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Sadhguru Sannidhyan


Sadhguru Sannidhyan

The term Sadhguru Sannidhyan originates from Sanskrit, where "Sadhguru" refers to the spiritual Guru who completed all the steps in all sorts of spiritual journey and liberated from everything, and "Sannidhyan" signifies proximity or closeness. Therefore, Guru Sannidhyan embodies the sacred practice of seeking proximity to the guru, both physically and spiritually, in order to receive their blessings, guidance, and spiritual teachings.


At the heart of Guru Sannidhyan lies the practice of Satsang, which translates to "association with truth" in Sanskrit. Satsang typically involves gathering in the presence of an enlightened guru or spiritual teacher, where seekers engage in various spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting, discourse, and reflection. Through Satsang, disciples have the opportunity to bask in the divine presence of the guru, absorb their teachings, and deepen their spiritual understanding.

Guru Sannidhyan is not merely about attending a physical gathering or listening to discourses; it is about cultivating a deep and intimate connection with the guru at the level of the soul. In the presence of the guru, seekers experience a profound sense of peace, love, and spiritual elevation. The guru's divine grace and presence have the power to dissolve the barriers of ego and ignorance, awakening the seeker to their true nature as pure consciousness.



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Group Meditation

Guru Sannidhyan

This programme mainly in the Shree Siddhashram or online


Sadhguru Sannidhyan

Avdhut's discussion and explanation among the sadhaks

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Group Meditation

Benifits of Sadhguru Sannidhyan

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In the practice of Guru Sannidhyan, the guru serves as the spiritual guide and mentor, leading disciples on the path of self-realization and liberation. The guru embodies the highest spiritual truths and imparts wisdom through their words, actions, and presence. Through their divine grace, the guru helps disciples navigate the challenges of life, overcome obstacles, and attain spiritual awakening.

Participating in Guru Sannidhyan offers a multitude of benefits for spiritual seekers:

  • Spiritual Guidance: Seekers receive invaluable spiritual guidance and teachings from an enlightened master, helping them navigate the complexities of the spiritual journey.

  • Inner Transformation: The divine presence of the guru catalyzes profound inner transformation, awakening seekers to higher states of consciousness and self-awareness.

  • Divine Grace: In the presence of the guru, seekers are bathed in the divine grace, which purifies the mind, uplifts the spirit, and accelerates spiritual progress.

  • Removal of Obstacles: The guru's blessings help disciples overcome obstacles, karmic burdens, and past conditioning, paving the way for liberation and self-realization.


Guru Sannidhyan, the practice of Satsang with the guru, is a sacred and transformative journey of self-discovery, spiritual awakening, and divine grace. Through the grace and guidance of an enlightened master, seekers embark on a profound inward journey, uncovering the truth of their own being and realizing their innate divinity. In the sacred space of Satsang, disciples find solace, inspiration, and profound spiritual growth, as they walk the path of liberation and ultimate union with the divine.


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Educational Assistance to the tribal children under project Shree Shiksha


Different Sankirtan Programme through music, path and cultural event

Shree Sanskriti

Preserving Heritage, Empowering Communities: The Shree Sanskriti Initiative. Cultural heritage is the bedrock of our identities, bridging the past with the present and guiding us into the future. Recognizing the invaluable importance of preserving these treasures, Shree Sanskriti, a dynamic volunteer-based project, has emerged as a beacon of hope and passion in safeguarding the cultural heritage of communities.

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SadhanPada or Pada, Mantra and tattvas usually the divine text in rhythm received by very advance Sadhaks. These sadhanpadas are the divided in 'koli'. Avdhut in his journey asked his beloved Guru about what he is getting tremendous flow of padas who will write. The divines gives the boon the padas will get his few shishyas who will be eligible by his own choice. There is a beautiful incident in his journey about this getting sadhanpadas.

A divine journey

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Few of his sadhanpada is here. More are coming as books 

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Sadhguru Sannidhyan

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