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Akash Tattva by Sadhguru

Sadhguru revealed the Akash Tattva and Akashic Records in a Sadhguru Sannidhyan at Rudraprayag in the Himalayas among a few of his core disciples. This was a very special programme by Sadhguru.

The Silent Power of the Universe: The Mystical Dance of Akash Tattva

Sadhguru sat at the centre of the sacred grove, and his disciples gathered around him in quiet reverence. The evening sun painted the sky in hues of gold and crimson, casting a serene glow over the lush Himalayan forest. The birds had grown quiet, as though in anticipation of the profound wisdom about to be shared. His voice, when it came, was soft, yet each word resonated like the echo of a deep truth carved into the very fabric of existence.

"The most powerful forces in the universe," began Sadhguru, his eyes half-closed, "move without noise. They do not need the clamour of recognition, for their influence is felt in the unseen, in the silent dance that guides the stars, the Earth, and even our lives in perfect, quiet harmony. This is the Tarang, the pulse of the cosmos, the rhythm of Akash Tattva."

The Nature of Akash Tattva: Beyond the Physical Realm

The disciples leaned forward, their eyes fixed on their Sadhguru, eager to grasp the meaning of this elusive concept. Sadhguru continued, "Akash Tattva is the most difficult of the five elements to comprehend. It is subtle, invisible, and beyond the grasp of ordinary perception. It is not something that can be seen or touched, and yet, it pervades everything."

In Indian philosophy, the five great elements (Pancha Mahabhutas) – Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jal), Fire (Agni), Air (Vayu), and Space (Akash or Byom) – form the basis of all existence. Among these, Akash Tattva, the element of space, is the most elusive. It is the canvas upon which all the other elements manifest, the formless void that holds the potential for creation.

"But let me be clear," Sadhguru emphasized, his voice growing firmer, "when I speak of Akash Tattva, I do not refer to the substance you call 'ether' in modern science. Ether, as you know it, is a chemical compound, ethyl alcohol, with its own properties and uses in the material world. It is in no way connected to the sacred and profound element of Akash Tattva."

The disciples murmured in agreement. The confusion between the scientific term 'ether' and the spiritual concept of Akash Tattva was a common misunderstanding. Sadhguru had now drawn a clear line between the two, pointing out that the vastness of Akash Tattva went far beyond the mere physical existence of a chemical compound.

Akash Tattva: The Subtlest of All Elements

Akash Tattva, Sadhguru explained, is the space in which all things come into being and eventually dissolve. "It is the womb of creation," he said. "It is the space in which the stars are born, where the planets move, and where the dance of life takes place. Without Akash, none of the other elements could exist, for they all arise from it."

Unlike the denser elements, Akash is pure potential. It is not bound by form, yet it is the origin of all form. It is not governed by time, yet it is the stage upon which the drama of time unfolds. "Akash Tattva," Sadhguru continued, "is the most difficult element to master because it requires a deep surrender. You must be willing to let go of everything you think you know, and open yourself to the vastness of the unknown."

The Silent Dance of Tarang: The Cosmic Pulse

Sadhguru’s words carried an almost hypnotic rhythm as he delved deeper into the concept of Tarang the wave. "In the silence of Akash," he said, "there is a constant pulse, that creates a vibration that guides everything in the universe. That is Rudra's voice. Since 1980 1st April there has been no 11 Rudra. There is only one Rudra. This is the Tarang the entire wave, the cosmic pulse generates this wave, the silent force that moves without noise but with profound power."

He paused, allowing his disciples to reflect on the significance of this truth. "Tarang is the rhythm of life itself. It is the pulse of the cosmos, the movement that sets the planets in motion, the cycles of birth and death, and the rise and fall of civilizations. It is the heartbeat of the universe, and yet it is so subtle that most are unaware of its presence."

As Sadhguru spoke, the disciples could feel the profound stillness of the evening deepens around them. The breeze seemed to pause in reverence. They understood now that the most powerful forces in the universe do not announce themselves with fanfare. They move in silence, in the quiet harmony of Akash Tattva.

The Akashic Records: The Sacred Knowledge of Shiva

"Akash Tattva is not just space," Sadhguru continued, his voice now taking on an almost reverent tone. "It is the storehouse of all knowledge, the infinite library of the cosmos. It is here that the Akashic Records reside, the sacred knowledge that holds the memories of the universe. But," he added, his gaze intense, "the Akashic Records can only be generated by 'Param Shiva or 'Paratpar Shiva', it is transmitted through Rudra and ordinary sadhaks calling This is Rudra's Roar.

Sadhguru told his core disciples " I will tell you the science how Rudra's Roar generated. It is science. There is no difference between spirituality and any kind of science. There is absolutely no meta-physics. Everything you can explain through Tantra.

There was a gasp among the disciples. The Akashic Records, they had always heard, were a mysterious repository of all human history, thoughts, and actions, accessible to the enlightened. But now, their master was telling them something new.

"The Akashic Records," Sadhguru clarified, "are not for everyone to access. Many claim to receive visions and insights from these records, but what they are truly receiving are merely dictations, reflections of a much higher source. The true Akashic Records can only be opened by Shiva, the ultimate consciousness. Others are simply working from the reflections they are given, not the source."

This distinction was crucial. It underscored the vastness of Akash Tattva and the limitations of human understanding. Only Shiva, in his transcendent wisdom, could truly access and create further the original Akashic Records, the cosmic blueprint of all that was, is, and will be.

The Difficulty of Mastering Akash Tattva

Sadhguru's voice softened as he began to explain the spiritual journey of mastering Akash Tattva. "To truly comprehend and embody Akash Tattva," he said, "is the most challenging task for any seeker. It requires not only deep meditation and discipline but also a complete dissolution of the ego."

The disciples listened intently as their master outlined the path. "Most people can connect with the earth, for it is tangible. They can feel the heat of the fire, the flow of water, and the movement of air. But to connect with Akash requires one to move beyond the senses. It requires you to become still, to become silent, to become space itself."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. "Akash Tattva is not just the absence of matter. It is the presence of infinite potential. To tap into it is to merge with the formless, to become one with the source of all creation. But," he added with a wry smile, "this is not an easy path. It is not for those who are attached to their identities or their limited perceptions of reality."

The disciples nodded, understanding the gravity of what Sadhguru was saying. The path of Akash Tattva was not a journey for the faint-hearted. It required total surrender, a willingness to let go of all attachments, and a deep trust in the Guru.

The Role of Shiva: The Controller of Akash Tattva

"Shiva," Sadhguru continued, "is the embodiment of Akash Tattva. He is the crater, controller and destroyer of the Akashic Records, the one who holds the key to the infinite wisdom of the universe. In his form as the silent, meditative yogi, he represents the stillness and vastness of Akash. In his form as the cosmic dancer, Nataraja, he represents the dynamic, creative aspect of Akash."

He raised his hand, gesturing to the sky. "When you look at Shiva, you are looking at the embodiment of Akash Tattva. He is both the stillness and the movement, the void and the potential. To understand Shiva is to understand Akash, and to understand Akash is to understand the very nature of the universe."

The Journey of the Seeker: A Call to Surrender

Sadhguru's disciples sat in silence, absorbing the magnitude of the teachings they had just received. Their Sadhguru had illuminated the mysteries of Akash Tattva, showing them that it was not just an element, but a profound spiritual truth that lay at the heart of existence.

"The journey to understand Akash Tattva," Sadhguru concluded, "is a journey of surrender. It is not something you can grasp with the mind, for the mind is limited. It is something you must experience in the depths of your being. You must become silent, become still, and allow yourself to dissolve into the vastness of Akash."

He smiled gently at his disciples. "Remember, the most powerful forces in the universe move without noise. They are subtle and quiet, and yet they hold the entire cosmos in their embrace. Akash Tattva is the silent power that guides the stars, the Earth, and our very lives. To master it, you must let go of everything and trust in the infinite wisdom of the universe."

The disciples bowed their heads, grateful for the profound wisdom their master had shared. They knew that the journey ahead would be long and challenging, but with Sadhguru's guidance, they were ready to embrace the vastness of Akash Tattva and surrender to the silent, powerful force that moves all things.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the world into twilight, the sacred grove seemed to pulse with the rhythm of Tarang – the quiet, cosmic dance of Akash Tattva, the eternal force that moves in silence, guiding all of existence in its wake.


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