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Writer's pictureSadhguru

Awakening of Kundalini - Avdhut

Awakening of Kundalini

In the base of the spine, where the sacred sleeps,

Lies the coiled serpent, in stillness it keeps.

Kundalini, the divine spark within,

Awaiting the awakening, the journey to begin.

In the quiet of dawn, in the silence so deep,

She stirs from her slumber, from the mystical sleep.

A current of power, so pure and so bright,

She rises within, a beacon of light.

Through chakras, she travels, in a spiral ascent,

Unveiling the soul, her divine intent.

Rooted in the earth, she starts her great climb,

Through sacral and solar, in rhythm and rhyme.

She ignites the heart with compassion’s sweet fire,

Through the throat, she ascends, the voice of desire.

At the third eye, her vision expands,

She awakens the mind, with gentle commands.

Crowned at the summit, where the thousand-petaled blooms,

Kundalini dances, dispelling all gloom.

In this union divine, the self is set free,

A merging with oneness, an eternity.

She is the pulse of life, the breath of the earth,

The journey of spirit, the cycle of birth.

In her rise, we transcend the confines of the flesh,

To the realms of the soul, where energies mesh.

Through trials and tests, through joy and pain,

Her awakening brings mystical gain.

A serpent of light, in the darkness she winds,

Unraveling the secrets that eternity binds.

Oh, Kundalini, the sacred, the pure,

In your rising, all ailments find a cure.

You guide us to realms beyond mortal sight,

To the essence of being, to the infinite light.

In meditation's embrace, in the stillness of mind,

Your path is revealed, and your journey is aligned.

For within us all, your power does lie,

The force of the cosmos, the spiritual sky.

So we honor the serpent, the fire within,

The journey of the soul, the transcendence of sin.

For in her rise, the truth we do find,

The oneness of all, the liberation of mind.


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