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Writer's pictureSadhguru

Drop Your Calculations: Everything Predesigned by the Universal Desire

Article | September 05, 2001


In the intricate tapestry of life, humans often cling to the illusion of control, meticulously planning and calculating every step. We strive to predict outcomes, steer events, and shape our destinies through deliberate actions and decisions. Yet, amid our strategic manoeuvring, there exists a profound truth proposed by many spiritual traditions: everything is predesigned by the Universal Desire. This notion suggests that beyond our calculations, a grand cosmic design unfolds, guided by a force greater than our individual intentions. This article delves deeply into this concept, exploring how it interacts with our human calculations and its implications for our understanding of existence.

In the grand cosmic design, our calculations are mere echoes of a divine blueprint orchestrated by Universal Desire.

The Essence of Universal Desire

Universal Desire, also referred to as the Divine Will, Cosmic Intelligence, or the Cosmic Blueprint, represents the underlying force that shapes and governs the universe. This concept transcends individual beliefs and is present in various spiritual traditions, each offering a unique perspective on this grand design.

1. The Cosmic Blueprint

To grasp Universal Desire, imagine the universe as a grand architectural masterpiece, meticulously designed by an unseen architect. This cosmic blueprint is not merely a plan but a living, breathing entity that encompasses every facet of existence—from the formation of galaxies and the dance of celestial bodies to the intricacies of our daily lives. Just as an architect’s vision guides the construction of a building, Universal Desire orchestrates the unfolding of the cosmos, including the minutiae of our personal experiences.

2. The Role of Free Will

A common query arises regarding the role of free will in this grand design. Spiritual philosophies propose that free will functions within the framework set by Universal Desire. Our choices and actions, while seemingly autonomous, are influenced by a larger cosmic order. This dynamic interplay between individual free will and universal design is crucial for understanding our place in the vast cosmic scheme.

The illusion of control fades when we recognize that our efforts are part of a grand cosmic choreography, guided by Universal Desire.

The Illusion of Control

In modern society, the quest for control and predictability is deeply ingrained. Our lives are dominated by calculations and strategies aimed at managing outcomes. However, the idea of Universal Desire challenges this perception, revealing the limitations of human control.

1. The Limits of Human Calculation

Human calculations, no matter how sophisticated, are inherently restricted by our perception and understanding. We rely on data, algorithms, and forecasts to navigate life, yet there are cosmic forces and unforeseen events beyond our grasp. Universal Desire operates on a scale and complexity far surpassing human calculations. For instance, no amount of statistical analysis can predict the exact outcome of an individual's life or the unfolding of a global event with absolute certainty.

2. The Illusion of Certainty

Certainty is often a comforting illusion, offering a sense of security in a seemingly unpredictable world. Our desire for predictability can blind us to the inherent unpredictability of existence. Universal Desire, however, embraces the fluidity and uncertainty of life. By recognizing that some aspects of existence are beyond our control, we align ourselves more harmoniously with the universal flow, reducing anxiety and enhancing our ability to adapt.

Surrendering to Universal Desire is not about giving up, but about harmonizing our efforts with the infinite rhythm of the cosmos.

The Harmony of Effort and Surrender

Understanding that everything is predesigned by Universal Desire leads to a nuanced approach to effort and surrender. This balance is essential for navigating life with grace and fulfilment.

1. Effort with Awareness

The effort remains a vital component of growth and achievement. However, when undertaken with an awareness of Universal Desire, our efforts become more aligned with the cosmic rhythm. This approach involves pursuing goals with passion and dedication while remaining open to the possibility that outcomes may diverge from our expectations. Effort, in this context, is not about rigid control but about harmonizing with the universal flow. For example, an artist may work tirelessly on a masterpiece, yet the final work may evolve in unexpected ways, reflecting a deeper cosmic influence.

2. The Art of Surrender

Surrender is often misunderstood as passivity. In reality, it involves recognizing the limits of our control and embracing the unfolding of life with acceptance. Surrendering to Universal Desire means letting go of rigid expectations and trusting in the cosmic design. This attitude fosters inner peace and reduces resistance. For instance, a person who faces a challenging life event might practice surrender by accepting the situation without futile resistance and finding peace in the acceptance of a larger cosmic order.

The Impact on Personal Growth

The awareness of Universal Desire has profound implications for personal development and self-realization. This perspective can significantly transform how we approach growth and challenges.

1. Embracing Impermanence

The concept of a predesigned universe encourages us to embrace the impermanent nature of life. Our experiences, whether joyous or challenging, are part of a larger cosmic design. Embracing impermanence allows us to cultivate resilience and adaptability, essential traits for personal growth. For instance, understanding that life’s joys and sorrows are transient can help individuals navigate through both equanimity and wisdom.

2. Cultivating Inner Peace

Aligning with Universal Desire fosters a profound sense of inner peace. When we acknowledge that certain aspects of life are beyond our control, we experience a reduction in stress and anxiety. This peace arises from the acceptance that, despite our best efforts, the ultimate outcomes are part of a grand cosmic plan. Practices such as meditation and mindfulness can enhance this alignment, helping individuals experience a deep sense of tranquillity and acceptance.

Our greatest achievements are not solely the result of human calculations, but the manifestation of a cosmic design we are part of.

Perspectives from Spiritual Traditions

Spirituality offers a unique insight into Universal Desire and its role in shaping existence. These perspectives enrich our understanding of this concept.

The Divine Will

Universal Desire is closely associated with the concept of "Iccha Shakti," or the Divine Will. This divine energy drives the creation, maintenance, and dissolution of the universe. The Bhagavad Gita, a revered spiritual text, emphasizes the importance of aligning one’s actions with divine will. Krishna’s teachings to Arjuna highlight that true fulfillment arises from performing one’s duty in harmony with the cosmic order, rather than from rigidly pursuing personal desires.

Universal Desire is intertwined with the concept of Divine Love. Mystics speak of a divine longing that pervades the cosmos and guides creation. The pursuit of spiritual enlightenment involves recognizing and aligning with this divine love, which is seen as the ultimate source of meaning and purpose. The mystic teachings of Avdhoot Atmananda often reflect this profound connection with the universal force that shapes and sustains all existence.

In embracing the flow of Universal Desire, we find peace in the acceptance that not everything can be controlled or predicted.

Practical Implications for Daily Life

The understanding of Universal Desire can lead to practical changes in how we approach various aspects of daily living. This awareness can transform our interactions, goals, and responses to challenges.

1. Goal Setting and Ambition

When setting goals, it is beneficial to approach them with a sense of detachment from specific outcomes. While ambition and planning are important, recognizing that ultimate results are influenced by Universal Desire can lead to a more balanced pursuit of goals. For example, an entrepreneur might set ambitious targets for their business but remain open to unexpected opportunities and outcomes that align with the larger cosmic plan.

2. Handling Challenges and Setbacks

Challenges and setbacks are integral parts of the cosmic design. Viewing them through the lens of Universal Desire can transform our response to adversity. Instead of perceiving obstacles as failures, we can see them as opportunities for growth and alignment with the universal flow. For instance, a person facing a career setback might view it as a chance to realign their goals and discover new paths that resonate with their deeper purpose.

3. Relationships and Interactions

In relationships, understanding Universal Desire can foster greater empathy and acceptance. Recognizing that each individual’s path is part of a larger cosmic design can enhance our interactions and reduce conflicts. This perspective encourages us to approach relationships with compassion and an open heart, recognizing that every interaction is a thread in the grand tapestry of existence.


The notion that everything is predesigned by Universal Desire invites a profound shift in how we perceive control, effort, and existence. While human calculations and planning play a crucial role in our lives, they operate within a grand cosmic design that transcends our immediate understanding. By embracing the interplay between effort and surrender, and by aligning ourselves with the universal flow, we can navigate life’s journey with greater harmony and fulfillment.

Understanding and accepting the role of Universal Desire in shaping our lives enriches our experience, integrating our actions with the broader cosmic rhythm. In this dance between effort and surrender, control and acceptance, we find a deeper connection to the universe and a more profound sense of purpose. By letting go of rigid calculations and aligning with the universal design, we open ourselves to the boundless possibilities and divine wisdom that shape our existence.


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