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Guru Gorakshnath's 5 Mystic Stories

Avdhut told the five mystic stories of Guru Gorakshnath in Guru Sannidhyan. He elaborates on the meaning and its spiritual significance. Gorakhnath, unwavering in his devotion, stood as the stalwart disciple of Guru Matsyendranath. Nath Tradition was founded by Guru Matsyendranath in Bengal and it is being popularised by Guru Gorakshnath.

Article | June 04, 2024

Mystic Story 1: The Milk Miracle


In a small village, a poor widow lived with her only cow, which was her sole source of livelihood. One day, the cow stopped giving milk, plunging the widow into despair. Hearing about Guru Gorakshnath’s miracles, she approached him for help. Gorakshnath smiled and asked her to bring a pot of water.

Gorakshnath chanted mantras over the pot of water and then instructed the widow to sprinkle the water on her cow and offer it some to drink. Skeptical but hopeful, the widow did as she was told. Miraculously, the cow began producing milk again, and even more abundantly than before.

The widow, overjoyed, spread the word about Gorakshnath’s miracle. People from far and wide came to seek his blessings, and he always helped them, not through ostentatious displays of power, but through simple acts of kindness and spiritual wisdom.

Avdhut: The story symbolizes the power of faith and the transformative effect of divine grace. The cow represents the sustenance of life, and the act of stopping milk production signifies life's challenges and suffering. Gorakshnath’s intervention shows that spiritual wisdom and faith can restore balance and abundance.

The milk miracle is an allegory for the nourishment of the soul. The cow, representing material existence, stops providing for the widow, illustrating how material life alone cannot sustain spiritual needs. Gorakshnath’s blessings, symbolized by the mantras and water, represent spiritual practices and divine grace that nourish the soul, restoring balance and prosperity. The story teaches that faith and spiritual guidance can overcome life's difficulties and lead to inner abundance and peace.

Mystic Story 2: The Stone That Turned to Gold


A disciple once asked Guru Gorakshnath for the secret to wealth. Gorakshnath handed him a small stone and said, "Keep this with you always, and never doubt its power." The disciple, puzzled but obedient, carried the stone with him everywhere.

Years passed, and the disciples faced many hardships. One day, in a moment of frustration, he threw the stone into a river, cursing it for not bringing him wealth. Immediately, the river started to shimmer, and all the water turned into gold. Realizing his mistake, the disciple jumped into the river to retrieve the stone, but it was too late—the stone was lost forever.

The disciple returned to Gorakshnath, ashamed. The Guru smiled and said, "The stone was a symbol of your faith. It wasn’t the stone that had the power, but your belief in it. When you doubted, you lost the true wealth: your faith."

Avdhut: The stone represents faith, and the act of throwing it away symbolizes losing faith in the spiritual path. The transformation of water into gold illustrates the hidden potential within faith to bring prosperity and fulfillment.

The story conveys that true wealth is not material but spiritual, and it is found in unwavering faith. The stone is a metaphor for the spiritual teachings and practices that may seem ordinary but hold the power to transform lives when approached with faith. The disciple’s loss signifies the consequences of doubt and the importance of maintaining faith in spiritual guidance. Gorakshnath teaches that inner richness and fulfillment come from steadfast belief and trust in the spiritual path.

Faith is the beacon that guides us through the darkest nights and the fiercest storms, illuminating the path to hope, resilience, and ultimate fulfillment.

Mystic Story 3: The Enchanted Forest


Gorakshnath once embarked on a journey through an enchanted forest known for its illusions and dangerous creatures. A group of villagers, unaware of the forest's true nature, asked to accompany him, seeking his protection. Gorakshnath agreed and led them into the forest.

As they ventured deeper, the villagers began to see terrifying illusions and hear ominous sounds. They panicked, but Gorakshnath remained calm and chanted mantras, dispelling the illusions and calming their fears. Eventually, they reached a serene clearing where they felt an overwhelming sense of peace and clarity.

Gorakshnath explained that the forest represented their minds, filled with fears and illusions. By facing these fears and relying on spiritual practices, they could see through the illusions and find inner peace.

Avdhut: The enchanted forest symbolizes the mind and its capacity to create illusions and fears. The journey through the forest represents the spiritual path, where one encounters and overcomes inner obstacles through the guidance of a guru.

This story illustrates the mind’s propensity to create illusions and fears that can hinder spiritual progress. Gorakshnath's role as a guide represents the guru's ability to help disciples navigate their inner landscapes. The mantras symbolize spiritual practices that dispel illusions and bring clarity. The serene clearing signifies the state of inner peace and enlightenment achieved by overcoming mental obstacles. The story teaches the importance of spiritual guidance and practices in achieving mental clarity and tranquility.

Gorakshnath teaches that true protection and guidance come from an awareness of the divine within, and that the guru’s support is always available to those who maintain their spiritual connection.

Mystic Story 4: The Unseen Companion


One of Gorakshnath’s disciples, named Anand, was tasked with a pilgrimage to a distant shrine. Before leaving, Gorakshnath gave him a small, unassuming amulet and told him, "This will protect you. Keep it close."

During his journey, Anand encountered numerous dangers, from wild animals to hostile bandits. Each time, he felt an unseen presence guiding and protecting him. When he finally reached the shrine, he offered his prayers and, in a moment of deep meditation, realized that the presence was Gorakshnath himself.

Returning to his guru, Anand recounted his experiences. Gorakshnath smiled and said, "The amulet was a reminder of my constant presence. True protection comes from the awareness of the divine within you."

Avdhut: The amulet represents the constant presence and guidance of the guru, even when not physically present. The unseen companion symbolizes the divine presence that protects and guides the seeker on their spiritual journey.

The story emphasizes the continuous guidance and protection offered by the guru and the divine. The amulet is a metaphor for the spiritual connection that transcends physical distance. Anand’s experiences highlight the importance of recognizing and trusting this inner divine presence. Gorakshnath teaches that true protection and guidance come from an awareness of the divine within, and that the guru’s support is always available to those who maintain their spiritual connection.

Mystic Story 5: The Invisible Bridge


In a village plagued by a swollen river that blocked access to vital resources, the villagers sought Gorakshnath’s help. The river was too dangerous to cross, and they were desperate. Gorakshnath led them to the riverbank and instructed them to walk across the water.

Skeptical but trusting, the villagers stepped onto the water and found themselves walking on an invisible bridge. They crossed safely and found the resources they needed. When they looked back, the bridge was gone.

Gorakshnath explained, "The bridge was the power of your collective faith and trust. When you believe, the path appears. Doubt, and it disappears."

Avdhut: The invisible bridge represents the power of faith and collective belief to overcome obstacles. The act of walking across the river symbolizes taking a leap of faith in the face of challenges.

This story illustrates the power of faith to manifest solutions and overcome obstacles. The invisible bridge signifies the unseen support that faith provides, enabling one to navigate difficulties that seem insurmountable. Gorakshnath’s teachings emphasize the importance of collective belief and trust in the spiritual path. The story teaches that faith can create paths where none seem to exist, demonstrating the transformative power of belief in the divine and the guidance of the guru.


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