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Writer's pictureSadhguru

How to Be in Sync with Everything

Sadhguru throws light during a Sadhguru Sannidhyan at Shree Siddhashram on how to sync with nature the Adishakti and the AdiPursha the Supreme Consciousness.

Article | November 16, 2010

Sadhguru: In a world of constant change, where the rhythm of life ebbs and flows like the tides of the ocean, the desire to feel in sync with everything becomes a quest for many. To be in sync means to live harmoniously, in a state of balance, where one's actions, thoughts, and emotions are aligned with the natural order of the universe. This state of unity is sought by mystics, philosophers, and everyday individuals alike. Yet, the pathway to this alignment is not a clear, linear road. It requires a deep exploration of self, a connection with nature, and the realization of the interconnectedness of all existence.

This article delves into the many facets of how to be in sync with everything, blending spiritual wisdom with practical insights, and offering guidance to those who seek to walk the path of harmony.

True harmony is achieved when the beat of your heart is in sync with the pulse of the planet.

The Nature of Synchronicity

Before we embark on understanding how to be in sync with everything, we must first comprehend what it means to experience synchronicity. Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist, popularized the concept of synchronicity, referring to it as meaningful coincidences that are not causally related but are connected by meaning. For example, thinking about a friend and then receiving a call from them moments later. This sense of 'meaningful coincidence' extends beyond mere chance and suggests an underlying connection between the individual and the universe.

When you are in sync with the world around you, synchronicities become frequent. Life seems to flow effortlessly. The right opportunities arise at the perfect time, relationships feel fulfilling, and a sense of peace permeates daily existence. This state of flow or alignment is not an abstract, mystical experience but one that can be cultivated with awareness and intention.

Understanding the Cosmic Dance

The first step to being in sync with everything is understanding that life is a dance of cosmic energies. The universe is in constant motion, from the spinning of planets to the flickering of stars to the rhythm of the seasons. Every living being, whether human, animal, plant, or microorganism, plays a role in this dance.

To align yourself with this cosmic dance, you need to realize that you are not separate from it. Every breath you take, every thought you produce, and every action you perform contributes to the greater symphony of the universe. This understanding fosters a deep sense of responsibility and awareness.

In the stillness of 72 beats per minute, you are not just alive—you are attuned to the universe’s silent song.

Awareness of the Self

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of being in sync with the universe. It is the recognition that you are both a unique individual and a part of the collective whole. To cultivate self-awareness, one must embark on a journey of introspection. This can be achieved through practices such as meditation, journaling, and mindfulness.

Meditation helps calm the mind, allowing you to observe your thoughts without attachment. When you meditate regularly, you begin to notice patterns in your thoughts and emotions. You recognize the fluctuations of your mind—its restlessness, desires, fears, and hopes. This awareness allows you to step back from identification with the ego and see yourself as an observer, a witness to your inner world.

Understanding Your Energetic Field

Beyond the physical body lies the energetic body, also known as the aura or causal field. This energy field interacts with the energy around you, including the energies of other people, places, and environments. To be in sync with everything, it is essential to understand and cultivate your energy field.

Practices such as pranayama (breath control), and Tantra yoga are highly effective for balancing and harmonizing your energy. These practices work with the subtle energies of the body, aligning them with the greater cosmic energies. For example, deep breathing exercises bring oxygen to the body and regulate the flow of prana (life force) through the nadis (energy channels), creating a sense of inner balance.

21600 breaths a day is no accident; it’s the universe’s way of reminding us that we are one with the Earth.

When your energetic field is balanced, you feel more connected to everything around you. You become more sensitive to the energies of people and places, and you instinctively know how to adjust yourself to maintain harmony.

The concept of pulse and breath synchronization with the Earth holds profound meaning in the ancient wisdom of yogic science. When your pulse beats at exactly 72 beats per minute and remains constant, you are said to be in perfect synchronization with the Earth's natural frequency. This specific pulse rate resonates with the Schumann resonance, the electromagnetic frequency of the Earth, which is around 7.83 Hz. In this state, your body and mind are aligned with the Earth's pulse, creating a harmonious connection with nature, the environment, and even cosmic energies.

This synchronization provides a heightened state of balance and clarity, allowing you to accomplish tasks with greater ease and success. It is believed that when your pulse is steady at this frequency, you enter a flow state where obstacles seem to diminish, and the path to your goals becomes smoother. Your actions, thoughts, and intentions are in tune with the Earth's rhythm, and this alignment enhances both physical vitality and mental sharpness.

Yogic Control Over Pulse and Synchronization with Higher Realms

For a yogi, however, there is an even deeper level of mastery. Through advanced yogic practices such as pranayama (breath control) and dhyana (meditation), a yogi can consciously lower their pulse below the average human range. When the pulse rate is brought lower, often through deep meditative states, it allows the practitioner to synchronize with different realms of consciousness beyond the physical.

At lower pulse frequencies, a yogi may be attuned to subtle energies and dimensions that are not accessible in ordinary states of awareness. This lowered pulse creates a state of deep tranquillity and connection with higher vibrational planes, offering experiences of expanded consciousness, profound inner stillness, and even mystical insights. This is where yogic traditions speak of the ability to transcend physical limitations and interact with higher realms of existence.

21600 breaths a day is no accident; it’s the universe’s way of reminding us that we are one with the Earth. The deeper the breath, the closer you come to the geometry of the cosmos.

The Connection Between Breath and the Earth’s Geometry

Ancient yogic traditions have long recognized the connection between breath and the Earth's geometry. A healthy person is said to take approximately 21,600 breaths per day, a number that corresponds intriguingly with the Earth's equator, which measures 21,600 nautical miles. This mathematical harmony between breath and the Earth suggests that the human body is not an isolated system but is intricately linked to the planet and the cosmos.

This link between breath and the Earth's dimensions reveals a deeper truth—that by controlling our breath, we can harmonize with the energies of the planet and its cycles. The quality and rhythm of your breath influence your connection to the Earth’s pulse, reinforcing the idea that breath is a bridge between the body and the universe.

Cosmic Shifts and the Earth’s Transition into the 4th Dimension

However, significant changes have been taking place since the 1980s, affecting this delicate synchronization between humans and the Earth. Starting around this period, the Moon began slowly moving away from the Earth at a rate of about 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) per year. This cosmic shift, along with other changes in the Earth’s magnetic field and cosmic radiation, has started altering the resonance and rhythms of the planet.

These changes are part of a larger transition the Earth is undergoing as it shifts from the third to the fourth dimension. According to spiritual cosmology, the Earth completed its journey in the 3rd dimension around the year 2000 and has since entered the 4th-dimensional state. This transition involves a gradual raising of the planet's vibrational frequency, which influences everything from the Earth's electromagnetic field to human consciousness.

As the Earth moves into this higher-dimensional state, human beings are also experiencing a shift in consciousness, whether they are aware of it or not. This transition brings both opportunities and challenges. For those who are in tune with the Earth’s new frequency, there is potential for accelerated spiritual growth, intuitive abilities, and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. However, those who remain stuck in lower vibrational states may experience confusion, disorientation, or a sense of being out of sync with their environment.

A New Paradigm of Synchronization

The Earth’s transition into the 4th dimension is creating a new paradigm for synchronization. While in the past, a pulse rate of 72 beats per minute may have aligned perfectly with the Earth’s frequency, the gradual shift in cosmic conditions means that this synchronization is also evolving. The Earth’s vibrational frequency is slowly increasing, and as a result, the optimal states of physical, mental, and spiritual harmony are changing as well.

To stay in sync with the evolving Earth, it is essential to adopt practices that raise your vibrational frequency. Meditation, breath control, and conscious living are key to aligning with the new energies of the 4th dimension. By doing so, you can continue to thrive and achieve success, even as the Earth and the cosmos undergo a profound transformation.

In future sessions, I will delve deeper into how the Earth's dimensional shift is affecting human consciousness, how to prepare for these changes and the implications for our spiritual evolution. Understanding these cosmic shifts is vital for navigating the challenges and opportunities of this new era with grace and wisdom.

To live in sync with everything is to embrace the flow of the universe, where obstacles dissolve and life becomes effortless.

Connecting with Nature

One of the most direct ways to feel in sync with everything is to reconnect with nature. Nature, in all its forms—trees, rivers, mountains, oceans, and even the vast sky—serves as a mirror of the natural rhythms of the universe.

The Healing Power of Nature

In our modern world, people have become increasingly disconnected from nature. Cities, technology, and the pace of life have led many to spend more time indoors, away from the earth. However, nature holds the key to restoring balance and harmony. When you spend time in nature, whether through a walk in the forest, sitting by a river, or simply observing the clouds, you begin to resonate with the earth's natural frequencies-behaviour.

Studies have shown that spending time in nature reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, and enhances mental clarity. Beyond the physical benefits, nature also serves as a teacher. The cycles of the seasons, the growth of plants, and the behaviour of animals all reflect universal principles of life—growth, decay, renewal, and harmony.

To be in sync with everything, make it a regular practice to immerse yourself in nature. Observe the changes in the environment, listen to the sounds of the wind, and feel the ground beneath your feet. This connection with the earth will naturally align you with the larger rhythms of life.

The human pulse, when aligned with nature, brings not just balance but infinite potential.

Grounding Techniques

Grounding, also known as earthing, is a practice that involves physically connecting with the earth's energy. By walking barefoot on grass, sand, or soil, you absorb the earth's natural electric charge, which helps reduce inflammation, stress, and anxiety.

Grounding is not only beneficial for the physical body but also for the mind and spirit. It helps you become more present, centred, and in tune with the environment around you. Regular grounding practices can enhance your sense of connection with the earth and, by extension, the universe.

Cultivating Mindfulness and Presence

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment, without judgment or distraction. It is one of the most powerful tools for aligning with everything around you. When you are mindful, you are aware of your thoughts, emotions, sensations, and surroundings in a state of non-attachment.

The Importance of Presence

Being in sync with everything requires being fully present. When you are present, you are not lost in thoughts of the past or future; you are engaged with what is happening in the here and now. This presence allows you to respond to life with clarity, grace, and wisdom.

Many people spend their lives in a state of distraction, constantly thinking about what happened yesterday or worrying about what will happen tomorrow. This creates a sense of disconnection from the present moment and, consequently, from the flow of life. To be in sync with everything, you must learn to anchor yourself in the present.

Mindfulness Practices

There are many ways to cultivate mindfulness. One of the simplest practices is mindful breathing. By focusing on your breath, you bring your awareness back to the present moment. Whenever you notice your mind wandering, gently guide your attention back to the sensation of breathing.

Mindful walking is another effective practice. As you walk, pay attention to each step you take. Feel the ground beneath your feet, notice the movement of your body, and be aware of your surroundings. This practice helps you ground yourself in the present and fosters a deeper connection with the environment.

By incorporating mindfulness into your daily life, you will find that you become more attuned to the subtle rhythms of the universe. You will notice synchronicities, experience a sense of flow, and feel more in harmony with everything around you.

Living with Intention and Purpose

To be in sync with everything, it is essential to live with intention and purpose. When your actions are aligned with your highest values and goals, you create a sense of coherence between your inner world and the outer world.

The Power of Intention

Intention is the driving force behind all action. When you set a clear intention, you align your energy with your desired outcome. This alignment helps to create a sense of purpose and direction in your life.

To live with intention, start by reflecting on what matters most to you. What are your core values? What are your long-term goals? What kind of impact do you want to make in the world? Once you have clarity on your intentions, make a conscious effort to align your thoughts, words, and actions with them.

Aligning with Your Purpose

The purpose is not something that is fixed or predetermined. It is a dynamic, evolving force that changes as you grow and evolve. To be in sync with everything, it is important to remain open and flexible to the changes in your life path.

Your purpose is often revealed through your passions, talents, and the things that bring you joy. When you engage in activities that resonate with your purpose, you feel a deep sense of fulfilment and alignment. This sense of purpose acts as a guiding light, helping you navigate the challenges and opportunities of life with grace.

Mystic and Yogis lower their pulse to access realms beyond the physical—tapping into energies that guide us through higher consciousness.

Relationships as Mirrors of Harmony

Human relationships are one of the most profound ways to experience harmony or disharmony in life. Every relationship, whether with a partner, family member, friend, or colleague, reflects something about your inner state. When you are in sync with yourself, your relationships tend to flow smoothly. Conversely, when you are out of balance, relationships may feel strained.

The Role of Compassion and Empathy

To be in sync with everything, it is important to cultivate compassion and empathy in your relationships. Compassion allows you to understand the struggles and challenges of others, while empathy enables you to connect with their emotions on a deeper level.

When you approach relationships with compassion and empathy, you create an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. This harmonious dynamic fosters deeper connections and allows both individuals to grow and evolve.

Resolving Conflict Through Understanding

Conflict is a natural part of human relationships. However, being in sync with everything does not mean avoiding conflict; rather, it means approaching conflict with an open heart and mind. Instead of reacting with anger or defensiveness, seek to understand the other person's perspective.

By approaching conflict with a desire to understand, you can transform disagreements into opportunities for growth and learning. This mindset shift allows you to maintain harmony in your relationships, even in challenging situations.

Attuning to the Rhythms of Life

Life operates in cycles—day and night, birth and death, creation and destruction. To be in sync with everything, it is essential to attune yourself to these natural rhythms. This involves recognizing the ebb and flow of energy in your life and adjusting your actions accordingly.

The Rhythm of Seasons

One of the most obvious cycles in life is the changing of the seasons. Each season brings its energy and lessons. For example, spring is a time of renewal and growth, while winter is a time for introspection and rest.

By aligning yourself with the seasons, you can harmonize your energy with the natural world. During the spring and summer months, focus on outward growth, creativity, and action. In the fall and winter, turn inward for reflection, rest, and regeneration.

The Rhythm of Breath

The breath is another cycle that reflects the rhythms of life. Each inhale brings in new energy, while each exhale releases what is no longer needed. By paying attention to your breath, you can align yourself with the present moment.

Whenever you feel out of sync or overwhelmed, take a few moments to focus on your breathing. This simple practice can help calm your mind, centre your energy, and restore a sense of harmony.

Surrendering to the Flow

One of the greatest obstacles to being in sync with everything is resistance. Resistance arises when you try to control outcomes, fight against change, or cling to expectations. However, life is constantly changing, and trying to resist its flow only creates tension and suffering.

The Art of Letting Go

To be in sync with everything, you must learn the art of letting go. This does not mean giving up or becoming passive; rather, it means surrendering to the natural flow of life. When you let go of rigid expectations, you allow life to unfold in its own time and way.

Letting go requires trust—trust in yourself, trust in the universe, and trust in the process of life. When you surrender to the flow, you open yourself to new possibilities and experiences that you may not have anticipated.

When the Earth shifted into the 4th dimension, human consciousness shifted with it—those who adapt, and thrive.

Trusting the Universe

Trusting the universe means recognizing that there is a greater intelligence at work in your life. This intelligence is not separate from you; it is a part of you. When you trust the universe, you align yourself with the flow of life and allow things to unfold naturally.

Instead of trying to force outcomes, trust that everything is happening for your highest good. Even challenges and setbacks are opportunities for growth and transformation. By trusting the process, you create a sense of peace and harmony within yourself, which radiates out into the world.

Embracing the Dance of Life

Being in sync with everything is not a destination but a journey—a continuous dance between the self and the universe. It is a process of learning, growing, and evolving in harmony with the rhythms of life. By cultivating self-awareness, connecting with nature, practising mindfulness, living with intention, nurturing relationships, attuning to life's rhythms, and surrendering to the flow, you can align yourself with the greater cosmic dance.

This journey requires patience, compassion, and trust. It is not about perfection but about presence. The more you practice being in sync with everything, the more you will experience a sense of flow, synchronicity, and unity with the world around you.

In the end, to be in sync with everything is to realize that you are already a part of the whole. You are not separate from the universe; you are the universe expressing itself in human form. By embracing this truth, you can live in harmony with yourself, others, and the world at large.


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