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Inclusiveness: A State of Awareness, Beyond Ideology and Philosophy by Sadhguru

Article | August 27, 2000

Sadhguru: Introduction: The Essence of Inclusiveness

Inclusiveness is often misunderstood as an ideology, a philosophy, or a mere way of life. However, at its core, inclusiveness transcends these categories and represents a state of awareness, an elevated consciousness that embraces the interconnectedness of all existence. It is a profound realization that everything in the universe is intrinsically linked, and this awareness shapes our interactions, perceptions, and ultimately, our sense of self.

The Misconception of Inclusiveness as Ideology or Philosophy

Inclusiveness is frequently interpreted as an ideology or philosophy. As an ideology, it is often reduced to a set of beliefs or principles that advocate for equality, diversity, and acceptance. As a philosophy, it is seen as a system of thought that guides moral and ethical behaviour, encouraging individuals to treat others with respect and fairness.

While these interpretations are valuable, they are limited in scope. Inclusiveness as an ideology can become rigid, dogmatic, and even divisive, as it creates an 'us versus them' mentality – those who are inclusive versus those who are not. As a philosophy, inclusiveness can become abstract, intellectual, and detached from the lived experience, reducing it to a theoretical concept rather than a lived reality.

Inclusiveness is a state of awareness. When a person fully attains the state of 'Amness,' they naturally experience inclusiveness.

Inclusiveness as a State of Awareness

Inclusiveness, in its truest sense, is not an external practice or belief system but an internal state of awareness. It is a recognition of the oneness of all life, a deep understanding that every being, every element of nature, and every aspect of existence is interconnected. This awareness dissolves the boundaries between 'self' and 'other,' leading to a natural and effortless embrace of all that is.

When inclusiveness arises from this state of awareness, it is not something that needs to be enforced or practised; it becomes an inherent aspect of one's being. In this state, there is no distinction between 'inclusive' and 'exclusive' because the very idea of separation is dissolved. Inclusiveness flows naturally, like a river that knows no boundaries, nourishing all it touches.

The Spiritual Dimension of Inclusiveness

In many spiritual traditions, inclusiveness is seen as a reflection of the divine nature of existence. For example, in Hinduism, the concept of 'Adwaita' or non-duality teaches that the self and the universe are the same. This realization of oneness leads to a natural sense of inclusiveness, as one sees the divine presence in all beings.

Similarly, in Buddhism, the understanding of 'interconnectedness' or 'dependent origination' reveals that all phenomena are interdependent, and nothing exists in isolation. This awareness fosters compassion, empathy, and a sense of responsibility towards all beings, leading to a life of inclusiveness.

Inclusiveness in these spiritual contexts is not something that can be adopted or practised; it is the result of a deep inner transformation, a shift in consciousness that transcends the egoic mind and its tendency to separate, judge, and discriminate.

Inclusiveness in Everyday Life

When inclusiveness is understood as a state of awareness, it permeates every aspect of life. It is not limited to social or political spheres but extends to our relationships, work, and even our relationship with ourselves.

In relationships, inclusiveness manifests as unconditional love, acceptance, and understanding. It is the ability to see beyond the surface differences and connect with the essence of the other person. This connection is not based on shared beliefs, values, or interests but on the recognition of the shared essence of life.

In the workplace, inclusiveness leads to a culture of collaboration, mutual respect, and collective growth. It fosters an environment where diversity is celebrated, not because it is the 'right thing to do,' but because it enriches the collective experience and contributes to the holistic growth of the organization.

Inclusiveness also extends to our relationship with nature. When we recognize the interconnectedness of all life, we naturally develop a sense of reverence and respect for the environment. We understand that harming nature is harming ourselves, and this awareness leads to sustainable and responsible living.

The Challenges of Inclusiveness

While inclusiveness as a state of awareness is a beautiful and profound concept, it is not without challenges. The human mind, conditioned by years of societal, cultural, and personal conditioning, tends to create divisions, labels, and categories. The ego thrives on separation, and the journey towards inclusiveness requires a conscious effort to transcend these mental barriers.

One of the biggest challenges is overcoming the deeply ingrained fear of the 'other.' This fear, often rooted in ignorance and misunderstanding, creates a sense of threat and defensiveness, leading to exclusion and discrimination. To move towards inclusiveness, one must cultivate courage, openness, and a willingness to embrace the unknown.

Another challenge is the tendency to view inclusiveness as a moral obligation rather than a natural state of being. When inclusiveness is forced or imposed, it loses its essence and becomes a superficial practice. True inclusiveness cannot be mandated; it must arise from within, from a place of deep understanding and awareness.

Cultivating Inclusiveness: A Path to Awareness

Inclusiveness as a state of awareness can be cultivated through various practices that help to dissolve the egoic mind and expand consciousness. These practices are not about adopting new beliefs or ideologies but about deepening one's awareness of the interconnectedness of all life.

1. Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation is a powerful tool for cultivating inclusiveness. Through meditation, one can quiet the mind, transcend the ego, and connect with the deeper reality of existence. Mindfulness, the practice of being fully present in the moment, helps to develop a non-judgmental awareness of oneself and others. This awareness naturally leads to inclusiveness, as it allows one to see beyond surface differences and connect with the underlying unity of all life.

2. Compassion and Loving-Kindness

Compassion and loving-kindness are essential qualities for cultivating inclusiveness. These practices involve developing a deep sense of empathy and care for all beings, regardless of their background, beliefs, or behaviour. By opening the heart and extending love to all, one can transcend the barriers of separation and embrace the oneness of life.

3. Self-Inquiry and Reflection

Self-inquiry is the practice of questioning one's beliefs, assumptions, and conditioning. By examining the root causes of exclusion and discrimination within oneself, one can begin to dismantle the egoic structures that create division. Reflection on the interconnectedness of all life helps to cultivate a deeper understanding of inclusiveness as a state of awareness.

4. Service and Seva

Selfless service, or seva, is a powerful way to cultivate inclusiveness. By serving others without expectation of reward or recognition, one can dissolve the ego and connect with the deeper essence of life. Service helps to break down the barriers of 'self' and 'other,' leading to a natural sense of inclusiveness.

5. Integration of Inclusiveness in Daily Life

Inclusiveness is not something that can be compartmentalized; it must be integrated into every aspect of life. This involves a conscious effort to bring the awareness of interconnectedness into all interactions, decisions, and actions. Whether in personal relationships, work, or community involvement, inclusiveness should be the guiding principle that shapes one's life.

Inclusiveness and Global Consciousness

In today's interconnected world, the need for inclusiveness is more urgent than ever. Global challenges such as climate change, social inequality, and political unrest require a collective response that transcends individual and national interests. Inclusiveness as a state of awareness can pave the way for a global consciousness that recognizes the interdependence of all life and works towards the common good.

Inclusiveness in this context is not just about accepting diversity but about embracing the oneness of humanity and the planet. It is about moving beyond the narrow confines of identity, nationality, and ideology and recognizing our shared responsibility for the well-being of all life.

The Role of Leaders in Fostering Inclusiveness

Leaders have a crucial role to play in fostering inclusiveness, both within their organizations and in the broader society. True leadership is not about authority or control; it is about inspiring others to realize their highest potential and contributing to the collective good.

Leaders who embody inclusiveness as a state of awareness can create environments where diversity is celebrated, collaboration is encouraged, and mutual respect is the norm. They lead by example, showing that inclusiveness is not just a policy or practice but a way of being that permeates every aspect of life.

Conclusion: Inclusiveness as the Path to Unity

Inclusiveness, when understood as a state of awareness, offers a path to unity, peace, and harmony. It is not an ideology or philosophy that needs to be adopted but a realization that needs to be awakened within each individual. This awareness dissolves the boundaries of separation and reveals the underlying oneness of all existence.

In this state of awareness, inclusiveness is not something that one practices or promotes; it is the natural expression of a life lived in alignment with the truth of interconnectedness. It is a state of being where love, compassion, and acceptance flow effortlessly, and where the well-being of all life becomes the guiding principle.

As humanity faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities, the shift towards inclusiveness as a state of awareness holds the key to creating a more compassionate, just, and sustainable world. It is a call to awaken to our true nature and to embrace the oneness of life with open hearts and minds. In this awareness, we find the true meaning of inclusiveness, not as a way of life, but as the essence of life itself.


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