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Writer's pictureSadhguru

Kundalini - Avdhut


In the quiet depths of inner space,

Where silence holds its sacred place,

There lies a force, coiled and still,

A serpent of fire, waiting at will.

Kundalini, the serpent bright,

Sleeps in shadows, hidden from sight,

At the base of the spine, in the body's core,

A dormant power, ancient lore.

In the root, where life begins,

Where earthly ties and spirit spins,

She rests in patience, deeply curled,

A cosmic force, within the world.

But when the soul begins to yearn,

And the inner flame starts to burn,

She stirs and wakes, in a rhythmic beat,

Rising upward, the journey completes.

With every breath, with every prayer,

She ascends the path, swift and rare,

Through chakras' gates, she winds her way,

Unlocking secrets, night and day.

In Muladhara, she finds her start,

Where earth and spirit stand apart,

But as she rises, the earth is shed,

And spirit soars, in place of dread.

In Swadhisthana, passions flare,

The waters of life, rich and rare,

But Kundalini, in her might,

Transforms desire into light.

Manipura’s fire, fierce and bright,

Ignites the soul in its flight,

Here, the will is forged anew,

As Kundalini passes through.

In Anahata, the heart’s domain,

Love’s pure light begins to reign,

She dances here, in blissful grace,

Uniting all in her embrace.

Vishuddha, the throat, she clears,

The voice of truth, the end of fears,

In vibrations pure, she finds her way,

Clearing the path for the spirit’s play.

Ajna, the brow, the mind’s true eye,

Sees beyond the earth and sky,

Kundalini’s power, now refined,

Illuminates the seeking mind.

Finally, in Sahasrara’s crown,

She blossoms forth, spirit unbound,

A thousand petals, pure and bright,

The soul ascends to cosmic height.

Here, in the union of Shiva’s light,

And Shakti’s dance, both day and night,

Kundalini finds her true release,

In the cosmic ocean, deep in peace.

The serpent’s rise, the soul’s ascent,

It is the journey where life’s meaning is spent,

In Kundalini’s path, we find the key,

To the divine within, eternally free.

Through trials deep and visions wide,

She leads us to the other side,

Where spirit and flesh, in harmony,

Become the dance of eternity.

So let the serpent rise and sing,

Through the chakras, let her bring,

The light of truth, the flame of love,

The union below, the union above.

For in Kundalini’s sacred fire,

Lies the path to our heart’s desire,

The journey home, the cosmic play,

Where darkness turns to endless day.



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