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Machine Learning and True Tantric Practice in Spirituality by Sadhguru

Sadhguru throws light on How Tantra is Machine Learning in the Sadhguru Sannidhyan programme. He said that Nigam Tantra is the first spirituality for mankind. Shiv first stated the Nigam to his consort. This is an exclusive programme about Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Tantra.

Article | September 14, 2024


In the age of technology, we are witnessing groundbreaking developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). These innovations have changed the way we live, work, and perceive reality. Interestingly, while these modern advancements seem futuristic, they are deeply rooted in ancient spiritual principles, particularly in Tantric practices. Tantra, a highly misunderstood and often misrepresented tradition, is fundamentally about the alignment and mastery of the body, mind, and energy. In this sense, there is an inherent parallel between machine learning principles and the core ideas of Tantric spirituality.

Tantra views the human body as a sophisticated machine—capable of immense potential and self-learning through repetitive processes and deep introspection. On the other hand, machine learning, as we know it today, allows machines to "learn" patterns and functions through algorithms that iterate and refine based on experiences and datasets. In this article, we will explore how true Tantric practices mirror the processes of modern machine learning and how the understanding of the body as a machine aligns with AI principles.

Section 1: Understanding Tantra and the Body as a Machine

What is Tantra?

Tanyate Vistaryate Jnanam Anena Iti Tantram.

Before the Agama scriptures of Tantra, the Nigama scriptures were already in existence, and these Nigama scriptures originated in Bengal or the region of Banga. The knowledge derived from these Nigama scriptures is the Vedas. From Nigama emerged various hymns, which we call Rig. Since Tantra evolved from Nigama, we find the names of many female sages (Rishi) in the Rig Veda.

'Tanyate Vistaryate Jnanam Anena Iti Tantram' means the method by which the knowledge spread throughout the body is acquired is called Tantra. Another interpretation is that 'Tan' means body, and hence Tantra is derived from the body. Tantra also signifies a system, and every system within the body together forms the entirety of Tantra.

Therefore, Tantra is a science that, through continuous observation and experimentation, enabled humanity to realize knowledge. Those who dismiss Tantra as merely occult science or esoteric practice neither understand Tantra nor the Vedas. The knowledge realized through Tantra is what we call the Vedas. The Vedas provide certain information through recitation, but not knowledge. To attain knowledge, one must go through experimentation and observation.

Tantra is the science of the body’s intelligence, unfolding knowledge through constant observation and experience.

In today’s world, the global excitement around machine learning finds its core strength in Tantra. Through Tantra, we not only understand our body in a detailed manner but also recognize the intelligence inherent within it. Similarly, just as we come to know and apply intelligence to machines, humanity is moving towards machine learning and artificial intelligence."

The body, according to Tantric philosophy, is not a limitation but a powerful tool for spiritual transformation. Rather than rejecting the body, Tantra encourages practitioners to explore and understand it fully. The human body, with its intricate network of nerves, energy centres (chakras), and subtle bodies, is seen as a divine machine that, when properly understood and mastered, can lead to the highest state of consciousness.

The Body as a Machine

In Tantra, the body is regarded as an energy system—a biological machine that processes energy, emotions, thoughts, and desires. Much like a computer processes data, the human body processes stimuli from the external environment and reacts accordingly. The Tantric practitioner recognizes this and seeks to optimize the machine by aligning the body with natural and cosmic forces.

Tantra teaches us that our body is a machine, and understanding its systems unlocks profound wisdom.

This is where the analogy to machine learning comes into play. Just as machines or algorithms learn and improve by processing information and making adjustments, the Tantric practitioner "trains" the body and mind through practice, rituals, and meditation, refining responses to achieve greater harmony and awareness. In both cases, there is a feedback loop—what is learned is integrated and then refined through further experience.

Section 2: Machine Learning – The Basics

Defining Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) is a subset of artificial intelligence that enables machines or computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. In ML, an algorithm is trained on large datasets, and through repetition and analysis, it "learns" to perform a specific task, make predictions, or identify patterns. Over time, with more data and feedback, the algorithm refines itself, increasing accuracy and effectiveness.

There are three primary types of machine learning:

  1. Supervised Learning: The machine is given labelled data, and it learns to map inputs to outputs.

  2. Unsupervised Learning: The machine is given data without explicit labels and is tasked with finding patterns or clusters in the data.

  3. Reinforcement Learning: The machine learns through a system of rewards and penalties, refining its actions to achieve optimal results.

Parallels with Human Learning

Interestingly, machine learning draws inspiration from human learning processes. Just as a human being learns through experience, feedback, and repetition, a machine also improves its understanding and performance through iterative training and feedback loops. Human learning, however, is deeply tied to the body and mind. This is where Tantra provides valuable insights. Tantra sees human learning not just as a mental process but as a holistic one that involves the entire body, mind, and energy system.

Section 3: Tantra and Machine Learning – The Parallel Journey

Training the Human Machine

In Tantra, the human body is considered a machine, but not in a reductive or mechanical sense. Instead, the body is a dynamic, evolving system that learns and adapts over time. Much like machine learning, Tantra uses specific methods—rituals, mantras, breath control (pranayama), meditation, and physical postures (asanas)—to "train" the body-mind system.

Learning from the body through Tantra is like teaching a machine through close feedback loops—both lead to self-evolution. It is a closed-loop system.

Tantric Practices as Learning Algorithms: Just as machine learning algorithms are designed to process information and optimize performance, Tantric practices are structured methods designed to rewire the human system. For instance, meditation in Tantra is akin to a feedback loop. The practitioner observes thoughts, emotions, and sensations without attachment or judgment. Over time, this process refines the mind's ability to remain focused and detached, just as an algorithm fine-tunes itself based on feedback from the environment.

Chakras as Data Nodes: In machine learning, data is processed through nodes in a network (such as in a neural network). Similarly, in Tantra, the body processes energy through chakras or energy centres. Each chakra represents a different aspect of consciousness, much like how a node in a neural network represents a piece of data. When chakras are activated and balanced, the body's energy flows more freely, allowing the practitioner to access higher states of awareness. This can be likened to how a well-trained neural network processes information more efficiently after repeated training.

To master Tantra is to master the art of listening to the body, just as machine learning masters patterns in data.

Mantras and Neural Networks: In machine learning, neural networks are designed to recognize patterns and process complex datasets. Similarly, mantras in Tantra are sound vibrations that influence the mind and body at a deep level. When chanted repeatedly, mantras create specific patterns in the brain, influencing mental states and emotions. This is akin to how neural networks learn through repeated exposure to data. Each repetition of a mantra refines the practitioner's focus and awareness, much like how an algorithm refines its predictions through training.

Kundalini as Energy Optimization: Machine learning models are often optimized to achieve the best possible outcome. In Tantra, the goal is to awaken and optimize the flow of Kundalini energy, the dormant spiritual energy believed to reside at the base of the spine. As this energy rises through the chakras, it brings greater clarity, awareness, and connection to the divine. This process mirrors the way machine learning algorithms are fine-tuned to achieve optimal performance.

Machine learning optimizes machines; Tantra optimizes the human body as a divine instrument of knowledge.

Reinforcement Learning and Tantric Rituals

Reinforcement learning, a type of machine learning where actions are refined through rewards and punishments, closely resembles the way Tantric rituals function. In Tantra, rituals are designed to help the practitioner align with cosmic forces and achieve specific spiritual goals. Each ritual provides feedback—either through the experience of greater harmony and insight or through the recognition of obstacles and imbalances that need to be addressed.

The essence of Tantra lies in understanding the body as an evolving intelligence, much like AI in the digital world.

For instance, if a practitioner engages in a Tantric ritual to balance the solar plexus chakra, the feedback might come in the form of increased confidence and personal power. If the ritual is not performed correctly or if there are deeper issues that need to be addressed, the feedback might come in the form of emotional turmoil or physical discomfort. Just as in reinforcement learning, the practitioner adjusts their actions based on the feedback they receive, refining their practice over time.

Section 4: Unifying Machine Learning and Tantric Practice

The Evolution of Consciousness Through Repetition

In both machine learning and Tantra, repetition is key to mastery. Just as a machine learning algorithm requires repeated training to improve its accuracy, a Tantric practitioner must engage in regular, disciplined practice to refine their understanding and mastery of the body-mind system. Over time, both the machine and the practitioner become more adept at recognizing patterns, responding to stimuli, and achieving their goals.

However, there is a significant difference in the goals. While machine learning is typically oriented towards external objectives—such as making predictions, recognizing images, or improving performance—Tantra is focused on internal mastery. The goal of Tantra is to achieve liberation (moksha) by transcending the limitations of the body-mind system and realizing the true nature of the self.

Neural Networks and the Subtle Body

In machine learning, neural networks are designed to process complex datasets and identify patterns that would be difficult for a human to discern. Similarly, the Tantric practitioner works with the subtle body, which consists of energy channels (nadis) and chakras that are invisible to the physical senses but have a profound influence on consciousness and well-being.

The process of awakening Kundalini and activating the chakras is analogous to the training of a neural network. Just as a neural network becomes more efficient and accurate over time, the practitioner's subtle body becomes more refined and attuned to higher states of consciousness through regular practice. This leads to greater insight, clarity, and spiritual awakening.

Section 5: The Challenges of Both Practices

The Learning Curve

Both machine learning and Tantra present steep learning curves. In machine learning, the algorithm must process vast amounts of data and refine itself through trial and error. Similarly, in Tantra, the practitioner must engage in rigorous practice, often confronting deep-seated fears, desires, and unconscious patterns. Both processes require patience, dedication, and a willingness to engage with the unknown.

Ethical Considerations

Machine learning raises important ethical questions about the use of AI and its potential impact on society. Similarly, Tantra presents ethical challenges, particularly when it comes to the use of power and energy. In both cases, the practitioner or researcher must approach the work with integrity, humility, and a deep respect for the forces they are working with.

The Vedas offer information. When does information become knowledge? Through your skill and rigorous practice of that information, you have experienced whether that information is true or false. Whereas Tantra is a process you will get information, skill, experience, and realisation and finally transform that knowledge into the lived experience as wisdom through the body.

The Dance of Machine and Spirit

While machine learning and Tantra may seem worlds apart, they are both ultimately concerned with the process of learning, adaptation, and mastery. Machine learning seeks to optimize the performance of machines, while Tantra seeks to optimize the performance of the human body-mind system. Both rely on repetition, feedback, and the recognition of patterns, and both offer profound insights into the nature of intelligence, consciousness, and reality.

As we continue to develop more advanced AI technologies, it is important to remember that the principles of machine learning are not new—they are rooted in ancient spiritual traditions that have long understood the human body as a machine capable of profound learning and transformation. By exploring the parallels between machine learning and Tantra, we can gain a deeper understanding of both the potential and the limitations of human and artificial intelligence.

In the end, true mastery—whether of a machine or of the self—requires not just technical skill, but a deep understanding of the fundamental laws that govern all of existence. Through the union of science and spirituality, we can move closer to this mastery and unlock the full potential of both the machine and the human spirit.


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