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Meson The Primordial Particle by Sadhguru

Sadhguru Science is a unique programme where he explains how advanced spirituality and modern science have no clash. In Ancient Indian Spirituality especially in Nath Tradition all the things yogis are experimenting with within their body under the programme of Kundalini Yoga and Tantra. Kundalini is the primordial energy having. Within that, there are three primordial particle and their energies.

Article | August 30, 2024


Mesons, the elusive and enigmatic particles that exist at the intersection of quantum mechanics and the strong nuclear force, represent one of the fundamental building blocks of the universe. They are neither as widely known as protons and neutrons, nor as theoretically abstract as quarks and gluons, yet they play a crucial role in the complex tapestry of matter. Mesons are not only a vital component in understanding the forces that hold atomic nuclei together but also serve as a gateway to exploring the early moments of the universe, where matter and antimatter coexisted in a delicate balance.

In our Ancient Indian Science the 'kana' means particle. Tantra the 1st spirituality in humans comes from the 'five-Ma-kar' which we call pancha Ma (ম) kar. Through that process, we know how kundalini is. Under this process, we get the details of primordial energy and primordial particles and Sristi Tattva i.e. how the universe was created.

The Birth of Mesons: A Historical Perspective

The discovery of mesons is intertwined with the development of quantum theory and the study of cosmic rays. In the early 20th century, physicists were grappling with the mysteries of atomic structure and the forces that governed the behaviour of subatomic particles. The discovery of the neutron in 1932 by James Chadwick and the subsequent development of quantum mechanics set the stage for the exploration of particles beyond protons and electrons.

In 1935, Japanese physicist Hideki Yukawa proposed the existence of a new type of particle to mediate the strong nuclear force, which holds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus. Yukawa's theory suggested that this particle, later known as the meson, would have a mass intermediate between that of the electron and the proton, leading to its name being derived from the Greek word "mesos," meaning "middle."

Yukawa's prediction was confirmed in 1947 when Cecil Powell, Giuseppe Occhialini, and César Lattes discovered the pion (π meson) in cosmic rays. This discovery marked the beginning of meson physics, a field that would expand rapidly with the development of particle accelerators and the advent of quantum chromodynamics (QCD).

Meson Classification and Properties

Mesons are classified as hadrons, a group of particles that participate in the strong nuclear force. Unlike baryons, such as protons and neutrons, which are composed of three quarks, mesons are composed of one quark and one antiquark. This quark-antiquark pair is bound together by gluons, the carriers of the strong force.

Mesons are further classified based on their quark content, spin, parity, and other quantum numbers. The most well-known mesons are the pions (π), kaons (K), and eta mesons (η), each of which plays a specific role in nuclear interactions and particle decay processes.

1. Pions (π Mesons)

Pions are the lightest mesons and were the first to be discovered. They come in three charge states: positively charged (π⁺), negatively charged (π⁻), and neutral (π⁰). Pions are primarily involved in mediating the strong nuclear force between nucleons (protons and neutrons) in the atomic nucleus. The exchange of virtual pions between nucleons is responsible for the residual strong force that binds the nucleus.

2. Kaons (K Mesons)

Kaons are heavier than pions and come in both charged (K⁺, K⁻) and neutral (K⁰, anti-K⁰) varieties. Kaons are of particular interest because of their role in the phenomenon of CP violation, where the laws of physics differ slightly between matter and antimatter. This violation is crucial in explaining the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe.

3. Eta Mesons (η and η' Mesons)

Eta mesons are neutral mesons that play a role in various decay processes and are important in the study of chiral symmetry breaking in quantum chromodynamics. The eta and eta-prime (η') mesons are involved in complex interactions that provide insights into the underlying symmetries of the strong force.

Quantum Chromodynamics and Meson Structure

The theoretical framework that describes the interactions of quarks and gluons within mesons is quantum chromodynamics (QCD). QCD is a part of the Standard Model of particle physics, and it describes the strong force as being mediated by the exchange of gluons between quarks.

In QCD, quarks carry a property called "colour charge," and gluons are the force carriers that mediate the interactions between these colour charges. Unlike electric charge, which comes in two types (positive and negative), colour charge comes in three types (red, green, and blue) and their corresponding anticolours. The strong force is incredibly strong, but it has a very short range, which confines quarks within hadrons, such as mesons and baryons.

One of the most intriguing aspects of QCD is the concept of "asymptotic freedom," which states that quarks interact more weakly at very short distances (high energies) and more strongly at larger distances (low energies). This behavior is opposite to that of electromagnetic interactions and has profound implications for the behaviour of quarks within mesons.

Mesons in High-Energy Physics

Mesons play a crucial role in high-energy physics experiments, where they are produced in particle collisions and studied to understand the fundamental forces of nature. Particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, routinely produce mesons in high-energy collisions, allowing physicists to study their properties in great detail.

One of the key areas of research involving mesons is the study of exotic mesons, which are mesons that do not fit the traditional quark-antiquark model. These include tetraquarks (composed of four quarks) and pentaquarks (composed of five quarks). The discovery of these exotic states challenges our understanding of QCD and provides new insights into the nature of the strong force.

Mesons and the Early Universe

The study of mesons is not limited to particle physics but extends to cosmology and the early universe. Shortly after the Big Bang, the universe was in a state of extreme energy, where quarks and gluons existed freely in a quark-gluon plasma. As the universe cooled, quarks began to combine into mesons and baryons, marking the beginning of the hadron era.

Mesons played a crucial role in the processes that governed the early universe, including baryogenesis, which led to matter dominance over antimatter. which led to matter dominance The study of mesons, particularly those involved in CP violation, provides important clues about the conditions that led to the universe we observe today.

Mesons in Nuclear Physics

Beyond their role in fundamental physics, mesons are also essential in the study of nuclear physics. The exchange of virtual mesons, such as pions, between nucleons is responsible for the strong nuclear force that binds atomic nuclei together. Understanding the behaviour of mesons in the nuclear medium is crucial for modelling nuclear interactions and the properties of atomic nuclei.

Mesons also play a role in the decay processes of certain isotopes and the interactions that occur in neutron stars and other extreme astrophysical environments. The study of meson interactions in these environments provides valuable insights into the behavior of matter under extreme conditions.

Experimental Techniques in Meson Research

The study of mesons requires sophisticated experimental techniques, many of which have been developed over decades of research in particle physics. Particle accelerators, such as the LHC, use high-energy collisions to produce mesons and other particles, which are then detected using complex arrays of detectors.

One of the key techniques in meson research is the use of electromagnetic calorimeters, which measure the energy of particles produced in collisions. These detectors are essential for identifying mesons and studying their decay processes.

Another important technique is the use of particle identification systems, which distinguish between different types of particles based on their mass, charge, and other properties. These systems are crucial for identifying specific meson states and studying their properties.

Theoretical Advances in Meson Physics

The study of mesons has also led to significant theoretical advances in our understanding of quantum field theory and the Standard Model. One of the key areas of research is the study of meson spectroscopy, which involves the classification and understanding of meson states based on their quantum numbers and other properties.

Theoretical physicists have developed sophisticated models to describe the behaviour of mesons, including lattice QCD, which uses numerical simulations to study the interactions of quarks and gluons on a discrete space-time lattice. These simulations have provided important insights into the properties of mesons and the behaviour of the strong force.

Mesons and CP Violation

One of the most intriguing aspects of meson physics is the study of CP violation, where the laws of physics differ between matter and antimatter. CP violation was first observed in the decay of neutral kaons in 1964 by James Cronin and Val Fitch, a discovery that earned them the Nobel Prize in Physics.

CP violation in mesons is a key area of research because it provides important clues about the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. The study of CP violation in meson systems, such as B mesons, has led to significant advances in our understanding of the weak force and the conditions that governed the early universe.

Mesons and Quantum Entanglement

Mesons also play a role in the study of quantum entanglement, a phenomenon where particles become correlated in such a way that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of another, even at great distances. Mesons produced in particle collisions can become entangled, providing a unique opportunity to study the properties of quantum entanglement and its implications for our understanding of the universe.

Mesons and the Future of Particle Physics

The study of mesons continues to be a vibrant and dynamic field, with many open questions and challenges. The discovery of new meson states, such as exotic mesons, has opened up new avenues of research and challenged our understanding of the strong force and quantum chromodynamics.

Future experiments at particle accelerators, such as the High-Luminosity LHC and proposed electron-ion colliders, will provide new data on meson properties and interactions, allowing physicists to probe deeper into the mysteries of the strong force and the nature of matter.

Mesons in Astrophysics and Cosmology

Beyond the laboratory, mesons also play a role in astrophysics and cosmology. The interactions of mesons in extreme environments, such as neutron stars and supernovae, provide valuable insights into the behaviour of matter under extreme conditions. The study of mesons in these environments can also shed light on the processes that govern the evolution of stars and the dynamics of the early universe.

Mesons may also play a role in the search for dark matter, one of the most pressing questions in modern cosmology. Some theories suggest that dark matter could be composed of exotic particles that interact with mesons, providing a potential link between particle physics and cosmology.


Mesons, the primordial particles that mediate the strong force, are a key component of the subatomic world and a window into the fundamental forces that govern the universe. From their role in binding atomic nuclei together to their involvement in the early universe and the study of CP violation, mesons are at the heart of many of the most important questions in physics.

As our understanding of mesons continues to evolve, they will undoubtedly remain a central focus of research in particle physics, cosmology, and nuclear physics. The study of mesons not only deepens our understanding of the universe at its most fundamental level but also provides a bridge between the microscopic world of quarks and gluons and the macroscopic world of stars and galaxies. The ongoing exploration of mesons promises to yield new insights into the nature of matter, the forces that govern it, and the origins of the universe itself.


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