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Writer's pictureSadhguru

Mystical Powers of Triya Sadhana

Sadhguru throws the light on Triya Sadhana, under the Sree Vidya programme. Triya Sadhana is not just a spiritual practice; it is a journey of self-discovery and self-realisation. The term "Triya" signifies a trinity or triad, representing the three fundamental aspects of human consciousness: "Iccha" (will), "Jnana" (knowledge), and "Kriya" (action).

In the realm of spiritual practices, Triya Sadhana stands as a mystical gem, shrouded in ancient wisdom and hidden from the casual seeker. Rooted in the rich tapestry of tantric traditions, Triya Sadhana holds the promise of unlocking profound mystical powers within those who embark on its path. In this article, we delve into the enigmatic world of Triya Sadhana and explore the mystical powers it is believed to bestow upon its practitioners.

The Essence of Triya Sadhana: Triya Sadhana is not just a spiritual practice; it is a journey of self-discovery and self-realization. The term "Triya" signifies a trinity or triad, representing the three fundamental aspects of human consciousness: "Iccha" (will), "Jnana" (knowledge), and "Kriya" (action). Triya Sadhana aims to harmonize and balance these facets, leading to a holistic understanding of oneself and the universe.

Trikon Chedon and Vindu Bhedon is the process of Self Enlightenment.

The Power of Kundalini Awakening:One of the mystical powers associated with Triya Sadhana is the awakening and harnessing of Kundalini energy. According to the tradition, Kundalini is a dormant spiritual energy coiled at the base of the spine. Through specific practices and meditations within Triya Sadhana, this powerful force is awakened and directed upwards through the energy centres, or chakras, along the spine. The awakening of Kundalini is said to bestow heightened awareness, deep insights, and a profound connection with the divine.

Unlocking Inner Wisdom: Triya Sadhana is a journey into the inner sanctum of one's being. Through regular practice, seekers gain access to their inner wisdom and intuition. It is believed that this inner wisdom can guide individuals in making sound decisions, solving complex problems, and navigating life's challenges with grace and clarity.

Emotional Mastery: Another mystical power of Triya Sadhana lies in the mastery of emotions. Practitioners often find that their emotional responses become more balanced and measured. They gain the ability to remain calm and composed in the face of adversity, experiencing emotions as passing waves rather than overwhelming storms.

Spiritual Awakening: Perhaps the most profound mystical power of Triya Sadhana is the potential for spiritual awakening. As practitioners dive deeper into the practice, they often undergo a spiritual awakening, experiencing a sense of interconnectedness with all of creation and a profound connection with the divine. This awakening brings a profound sense of inner peace, bliss, and purpose to one's life.

Conclusion: Triya Sadhana is a spiritual journey that holds the key to unlocking mystical powers within the human psyche. While the path may require dedication, discipline, and guidance from an experienced teacher or guru, the rewards are immeasurable. It offers a transformative experience that can lead to self-realization, spiritual awakening, and a deeper understanding of the mysteries of existence. For those who are drawn to the mystical and seek a deeper connection with themselves and the cosmos, Triya Sadhana offers a path worth exploring.


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