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Prithvi Tattva and its Essence by Sadhguru

Article | September 09, 2024

Prithvi Tattva, the elemental force of Earth, holds a central position in Indian spirituality, particularly in Tantra, where it is viewed as a foundational energy essential for both physical and spiritual existence. In Indian thought, the universe is seen as a complex interplay of five elements, or Pancha Mahabhutas—Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jala), Fire (Agni), Air (Vayu), and Space (Akasha). Of these, Prithvi Tattva is considered the most tangible, dense, and material of all, serving as the physical foundation upon which life evolves. However, in Tantra and other Indian spiritual traditions, Prithvi Tattva is not just about materiality; it also holds deep symbolic, energetic, and metaphysical significance. It is associated with stability, grounding, nurturing, and the very essence of existence.

In this article, we will explore the multifaceted role of Prithvi Tattva delving into its philosophical, energetic, psychological, and esoteric dimensions. We will examine how Prithvi Tattva is understood and utilized in the Tantric framework, especially concerning the Muladhara Chakra, the root energy centre of the human body. Additionally, we will explore how the Earth element is integral to achieving balance, grounding, and spiritual evolution.

1. The Concept of Tattva in Indian Philosophy

Before diving into the specific nature of Prithvi Tattva, it’s essential to understand the concept of Tattva itself. In Sanskrit, the word Tattva literally means "thatness" or "principle." Tattvas are elemental principles that form the building blocks of the universe in Indian metaphysical thought. Indian philosophy often speaks of reality as a composite of these basic elements or principles, which collectively shape both the physical and subtle aspects of life.

The five Mahabhutas (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether) represent the grossest manifestation of the universe. These elements are not merely seen as physical substances but as energetic and vibrational principles that manifest in both the cosmos and the individual human being. Each element correlates with specific qualities, organs, senses, and psychological traits.

Among these elements, Prithvi Tattva—the Earth principle—is the most solid, stable, and grounding of all. In the context of Tantra, Prithvi Tattva serves as the base upon which all other elements and energetic systems are organized. It is this grounding quality that makes Prithvi Tattva essential in the practice of Tantra, where spiritual evolution is not just about transcending the material world but about integrating it into the journey of awakening.

2. Prithvi Tattva: Symbolism and Qualities

Prithvi Tattva, as the Earth element, represents the principles of solidity, stability, form, and structure. In both the macrocosmic universe and the microcosm of the human body, Earth is seen as the foundation upon which everything is built. It provides support, nurturing, and sustenance, not just in a physical sense but also in emotional and spiritual dimensions.

The qualities associated with Prithvi Tattva are:

  • Stability and Grounding: The Earth element is solid and unmoving, symbolizing firmness, steadiness, and grounding. In a spiritual sense, this grounding is crucial for developing a stable base for higher practices of meditation and Tantra.

  • Nurturing and Support: Just as the physical Earth nurtures all forms of life, Prithvi Tattva is considered the nurturing force in the human psyche and spiritual journey, helping individuals feel secure and supported.

  • Materiality and Form: Prithvi is the element of physicality and form. It represents the structure and form of the body, the bones, muscles, and skin. In the spiritual realm, it provides the essential foundation upon which energy flows and consciousness evolves.

  • Senses and Sensuality: In the Indian tradition, the five elements are linked to the five senses. Prithvi Tattva is associated with the sense of smell and the nose as the corresponding organ. Smell, being one of the most primal senses, ties directly into the Earth’s grounding and stabilizing qualities.

  • Balance and Harmony: Earth represents balance in both the physical and spiritual realms. When Prithvi Tattva is balanced within an individual, they experience a harmonious relationship with the material world and their body, creating a firm foundation for spiritual practice.

3. Prithvi Tattva in Tantra: Muladhara Chakra

In Tantric philosophy, Prithvi Tattva is most closely associated with the Muladhara Chakra, also known as the Root Chakra. Located at the base of the spine, Muladhara Chakra is the seat of Kundalini Shakti, the coiled energy that, when awakened, ascends through the spine to higher chakras, culminating in spiritual enlightenment.

Muladhara Chakra: The Ground of Being

The Muladhara Chakra is considered the foundation of the human energetic system, much like Prithvi Tattva is the foundation of the physical world. It governs the survival instincts, physical health, and the sense of safety and security in an individual. The qualities of the Muladhara Chakra are deeply connected to the qualities of Prithvi Tattva—stability, grounding, and the ability to root oneself in the material world while remaining open to spiritual experiences.

In Tantric practices, awakening the Muladhara Chakra is essential because it provides the energy and stability needed for the awakening of higher consciousness. Without a balanced and grounded Muladhara Chakra, it becomes difficult to move into higher states of spiritual awareness, as the mind and body remain unbalanced and unstable.

Kundalini Awakening and Prithvi Tattva

Prithvi Tattva also plays a critical role in the awakening of Kundalini Shakti, the divine energy believed to reside in a dormant state at the base of the spine. Tantra holds that when Kundalini is awakened, it rises through the chakras, activating different levels of consciousness. The first step in this awakening process is to stabilize the Earth element, represented by Prithvi Tattva, within the body.

Prithvi Tattva serves as the grounding force that provides stability to the practitioner during the sometimes tumultuous process of Kundalini awakening. This grounding is essential because, without it, the sudden rush of energy through the body can cause psychological or physical imbalances. As Kundalini rises, it must pass through the Earth element, and it is only when this element is balanced that the energy can continue its ascent to the higher chakras.

4. Tantric Rituals and Prithvi Tattva

Tantra is a practice that engages with the elemental forces of the universe, and many Tantric rituals are designed to invoke or balance these elemental forces within the practitioner. Prithvi Tattva is invoked in rituals that emphasize grounding, stability, and nurturing, making it central to practices that aim to bring balance to the physical and energetic body.

Yantra and Mantra for Prithvi Tattva

One of the key tools in Tantric rituals is the use of Yantras, sacred geometric diagrams that represent different deities and elemental forces. The Yantra associated with Prithvi Tattva is a square, symbolizing stability, balance, and groundedness. The square is the most stable geometric shape, and in Tantra, it represents the solid foundation upon which spiritual work can be built.

Mantras are another essential part of Tantric practice. For Prithvi Tattva, the Beej Mantra (seed sound) is "Lam," which is used in meditative practices to invoke the Earth element and bring balance to the Muladhara Chakra. Chanting the mantra "Lam" helps the practitioner connect with the Earth element, promoting stability and grounding while awakening the dormant energies within the body.

Prithvi Mudra

In Tantric Yoga, the use of Mudras (hand gestures) is an integral part of directing energy within the body. The Prithvi Mudra is performed by joining the tip of the thumb (representing fire) with the tip of the ring finger (representing Earth), balancing the Earth element in the body.

This Mudra helps increase physical strength, endurance, and stability. It is also used to treat imbalances related to the Earth element, such as weakness, lack of focus, or lethargy. Regular practice of Prithvi Mudra helps the practitioner connect more deeply with the grounding force of the Earth element, bringing both physical and spiritual balance.

5. Prithvi Tattva in Spiritual Psychology

The Earth element plays a significant role not only in the body but also in the mind and emotions. From a psychological perspective, Prithvi Tattva governs qualities such as patience, endurance, responsibility, and practicality. When this element is balanced in the mind, individuals exhibit a stable and grounded approach to life, capable of handling challenges with grace and resilience.

Psychological Attributes of Prithvi Tattva

  1. Groundedness and Stability: A balanced Earth element gives individuals a sense of being firmly rooted in reality. They can remain calm and composed in the face of stress, as they possess the mental strength to stay focused and grounded.

  2. Security and Safety: Prithvi Tattva governs the primal need for security, both physical and emotional. When this element is balanced, individuals feel secure within themselves, less prone to anxiety, and have a strong sense of self-worth.

  3. Nurturing and Compassion: Just as the Earth nurtures life, a person with a balanced Prithvi Tattva is naturally nurturing and compassionate, able to care for others and offer support when needed.

  4. Materialism vs. Spirituality: An overemphasis on Prithvi Tattva can lead to excessive attachment to material possessions, wealth, and physical comfort, whereas a lack of it can result in instability and insecurity. The Tantric path encourages balancing the Earth element to prevent materialism from overshadowing spiritual development while ensuring that the material needs of the body and mind are adequately met.

Imbalances in Prithvi Tattva

When Prithvi Tattva is imbalanced, it can manifest in various ways. An excess of Earth elements can make individuals feel rigid, stubborn, and overly attached to material things, while a deficiency can lead to anxiety, instability, lack of focus, and disconnection from the body.

In Tantra, balancing the Earth element is essential for maintaining both mental and emotional well-being. Practices such as meditation, grounding rituals, and working with the Muladhara Chakra can help restore balance to Prithvi Tattva, promoting a more harmonious relationship with the material and spiritual aspects of life.

6. Prithvi Tattva in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, the ancient system of Indian medicine, the five elements are the foundation of understanding health and disease. Prithvi Tattva, as the Earth element, is associated with the Kapha Dosha, one of the three primary energies that govern the body. Kapha is characterized by the qualities of heaviness, stability, coldness, and oiliness, all of which are directly related to the Earth and Water elements.

Role of Prithvi Tattva in the Body

Prithvi Tattva in Ayurveda governs the physical structure of the body, including bones, muscles, tissues, and skin. It is responsible for growth, strength, and endurance. An imbalance in Prithvi Tattva can lead to disorders such as obesity, lethargy, congestion, and a sluggish metabolism.

Ayurvedic treatments that target the Earth element often focus on stimulating the body’s energy and reducing excess Kapha. This can involve dietary changes, physical exercise, and herbs that stimulate the metabolism and balance the Earth element in the body.

7. Earth Element in Indian Mythology and Deities

In Indian mythology, Prithvi is personified as Prithvi Devi, the Earth Goddess. She is revered as the mother of all life, nurturing and sustaining all beings with her bounty. In the Vedas, Prithvi is often paired with Dyaus, the Sky God, symbolizing the union of Earth and Heaven, or the material and spiritual realms.

Bhoomi Devi: The Earth Goddess

In Hinduism, Bhoomi Devi (another name for Prithvi Devi) is a central figure in many myths. She is seen as a nurturing mother who provides food, shelter, and resources for all creatures. The Earth is also depicted as a divine feminine force, symbolizing fertility, abundance, and stability.

In one famous myth, Bhoomi Devi is rescued by Vishnu in his Varaha Avatar (the Boar incarnation), when the demon Hiranyaksha kidnaps her and plunges her into the cosmic ocean. Vishnu, in his boar form, dives into the ocean, battles the demon, and lifts the Earth on his tusks, restoring her to her rightful place in the cosmos. This myth highlights the protective and nurturing role of Prithvi, as well as her vulnerability when neglected or harmed.

8. Prithvi Tattva and Ecological Spirituality

In today’s world, the relevance of Prithvi Tattva extends beyond personal spiritual practice to the broader context of environmental stewardship. The Earth element symbolizes the physical world we inhabit, and its balance or imbalance is mirrored in the state of the planet.

Tantra and Environmental Responsibility

In Tantric philosophy, everything in the universe is interconnected, and harming the Earth is ultimately harming oneself. The spiritual path of Tantra encourages practitioners to see the Earth as a living entity and to respect the natural balance of the elements. This means living in harmony with nature, reducing one’s ecological footprint, and taking active steps to protect the environment.

By aligning oneself with Prithvi Tattva, individuals can develop a deeper sense of responsibility toward the planet. Practices such as sustainable living, organic farming, and conservation are seen as extensions of spiritual practice. The Earth is not just a resource to be exploited but a sacred space that must be honoured and cared for.


Prithvi Tattva, the Earth element, holds a place of profound significance in Tantra and Indian spirituality. It represents the grounding force that provides stability and support for both material and spiritual life. In the Tantric tradition, Prithvi Tattva is not merely the physical substance of the Earth, but a symbol of the nurturing, grounding, and sustaining energy that pervades the universe.

Whether through the activation of the Muladhara Chakra, the practice of grounding rituals, or the cultivation of ecological responsibility, Prithvi Tattva serves as a vital element in the journey of spiritual evolution. It reminds us that true spiritual growth is not about transcending the Earth but about integrating its grounding and stabilizing qualities into our lives.

In the face of modern challenges like environmental degradation and spiritual disconnection, the wisdom of Prithvi Tattva offers a timeless guide for living in harmony with the Earth, with ourselves, and with the cosmos. Through reverence for this sacred element, we can cultivate a deeper connection to the world around us and move toward a more balanced and integrated state of being.


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