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Rishi Aurobindo: The Supramental Guru by Avdhut

Today, August 15th, marks the birth anniversary of Rishi Aurobindo, one of the greatest Supramental Gurus of his era. Alongside spiritual luminaries like Kalipada Guha Roy, Visuddhananda Paramhamsa, and many other known and unknown Gurus of his time, his legacy continues to inspire. This tribute honours his Jayanti.

Article | August 15, 1983

Rishi Aurobindo stands as a towering figure in the realm of spiritual philosophy, renowned for his profound insights into the evolution of consciousness and his pioneering role in introducing the concept of the Supramental. His teachings, centred on the descent of a higher consciousness that transcends the mind, have inspired and guided seekers across the globe. This article delves into Sri Aurobindo's journey as a Supramental Guru, exploring his profound spiritual experiences, his groundbreaking philosophical contributions, and the rich legacy he left through his writings and teachings.

The Enlightenment: A Transformative Realization

Sri Aurobindo’s journey as a Supramental Guru began with a series of profound spiritual experiences that marked the transition from his active role in the Indian nationalist movement to a life dedicated to the exploration of higher consciousness. While he was deeply engaged in the struggle for India’s independence, he was simultaneously undergoing an intense inner transformation, leading to his ultimate realization of the Supramental consciousness.

The pivotal moment in Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual journey came during his time in the Alipore Jail in 1908. It was here, in the solitude of his prison cell, that Sri Aurobindo experienced a powerful spiritual awakening. He described this period as one of intense communion with the Divine, where he perceived the presence of Krishna, the divine guide, within and around him. This experience not only solidified his belief in the divine’s active role in human affairs but also set the stage for his later work on the Supramental.

This profound spiritual realization marked the beginning of Sri Aurobindo’s withdrawal from political life. After his release from prison, he moved to Pondicherry, a French colonial enclave in South India, where he would spend the rest of his life in deep meditation and spiritual practice. It was here that Sri Aurobindo began to articulate his vision of the Supramental consciousness and its role in the evolution of humanity.

The Supramental Consciousness: A New Paradigm

The concept of the Supramental consciousness is central to Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual philosophy. According to him, the Supramental is a level of consciousness that transcends the mind, characterized by unity, knowledge, and power. It is the next step in the evolutionary process, following the development of the mental consciousness that currently dominates human experience.

In his monumental work, The Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo elaborates on the nature of the Supramental consciousness. He explains that while the mind operates through division and analysis, leading to a fragmented understanding of reality, the Supramental consciousness is integrative and holistic. It perceives the underlying unity of all existence, allowing for a direct, unmediated knowledge of the truth.

Sri Aurobindo posited that the Supramental consciousness is not just an abstract philosophical concept but a tangible reality that can be realized and embodied in human life. He believed that the descent of the Supramental consciousness would lead to the transformation of human nature, bringing about a new age of divine life on earth. This transformative process, however, requires a radical reorientation of consciousness, involving the purification and integration of all aspects of one’s being.

Integral Yoga: The Path to Supramental Transformation

The Integral Yoga is nothing but Tantra. Tantra is the ultimate union the Yoga.

To facilitate the descent of the Supramental consciousness, Sri Aurobindo developed a comprehensive spiritual practice known as Integral Yoga. Unlike traditional forms of yoga, which often emphasize the transcendence of the world, Integral Yoga seeks to transform the world by bringing the Supramental consciousness into every aspect of life.

Integral Yoga is a holistic approach that involves the integration of all parts of one’s being—physical, vital, mental, psychic, and spiritual. The goal is to harmonize these different aspects, allowing the Supramental consciousness to permeate and transform them. This process is not merely intellectual but involves a deep, inner discipline, where the seeker must surrender to the Divine and allow the higher consciousness to work through them.

In The Synthesis of Yoga, Sri Aurobindo outlines the principles and methods of Integral Yoga. He describes the practice as a dynamic process, where the seeker must continually aspire for higher consciousness while simultaneously purifying the lower aspects of their nature. The practice of Integral Yoga involves several key elements, including:

  1. Aspiration: The continuous and sincere yearning for the Divine and the Supramental consciousness.

  2. Rejection: The conscious rejection of all lower impulses, desires, and attachments that hinder the manifestation of the higher consciousness.

  3. Surrender: The complete surrender of the ego to the Divine, allowing the Divine consciousness to guide and transform the individual.

Through these practices, the seeker gradually prepares the mind, body, and soul for the descent of the Supramental consciousness. This process is not limited to individual transformation but also extends to the collective, as the Supramental consciousness seeks to manifest in the world at large.

Integral Yoga in Practice: The Transformation of the Individual

Integral Yoga is not merely a philosophical or theoretical path; it is a practical approach to spiritual transformation. The practice of Integral Yoga involves several key elements that are designed to prepare the individual for the Supramental descent and the eventual transformation of the entire being.

a. Purification of the Lower Nature

One of the first steps in Integral Yoga is the purification of the lower nature, which includes the body, the vital (emotional) being, and the mind. This purification is necessary to remove the obstacles that prevent the Supramental consciousness from descending into the being. The practitioner must develop a keen awareness of the movements of the lower nature and consciously reject all tendencies that are not in harmony with the Divine will.

b. Psychic Awakening

The awakening of the psychic being, or the soul, is a central aspect of Integral Yoga. The psychic being is the divine element within the individual, the true self that is in direct contact with the Divine. Sri Aurobindo emphasizes the importance of bringing the psychic being to the forefront of the consciousness, allowing it to guide the process of transformation. The psychic being serves as a mediator between the individual and the Supramental consciousness, helping to align the entire being with the Divine will.

c. Mental Silence and Receptivity

To receive the Supramental consciousness, the mind must become silent and receptive. The usual mental activities—thinking, reasoning, and analyzing—must be quieted so that the higher consciousness can enter. This requires a disciplined practice of meditation and concentration, where the practitioner learns to withdraw the mind from its habitual movements and open it to the Divine light.

d. Transformation of the Vital and Physical Being

The transformation of the vital (emotional) and physical being is perhaps the most challenging aspect of Integral Yoga. The vital being is the seat of desires, emotions, and impulses, which are often resistant to the Divine will. The physical being, on the other hand, is rooted in material consciousness, which is dense and slow to change.

Sri Aurobindo and The Mother emphasized the need for a deep and sustained effort to transform these parts of the being. This transformation involves a gradual process of purification, where the lower movements are replaced by divine qualities such as peace, love, and light. The physical body, in particular, must be prepared to receive the Supramental force, which requires a disciplined practice of physical yoga and a conscious effort to infuse the body with the Divine light.

e. The Descent of the Supramental Consciousness

The ultimate goal of Integral Yoga is the descent of the Supramental consciousness into the being. This descent is not just a personal achievement but a collective event that has implications for the entire human race. The Supramental consciousness carries with it the principles of unity, knowledge, and power, and its descent into the individual and collective consciousness marks the beginning of a new phase in Earth's evolution.

Sri Aurobindo and The Mother described the Supramental descent as a gradual process, where the Supramental light and force gradually permeate the different levels of the being—mental, vital, and physical. This process requires patience, perseverance, and a total surrender to the Divine will. The practitioner must remain open and receptive to the Supramental force, allowing it to work through them and transform their entire being.

The Descent of the Supramental: A Divine Intervention

One of the most significant events in Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual journey was the descent of the Supramental consciousness, which he and The Mother, his spiritual collaborator, worked tirelessly to bring about. This event marked the culmination of decades of intense spiritual practice and represented a major milestone in the evolution of consciousness.

On February 29, 1956, known as the Supramental Manifestation Day, The Mother declared that the Supramental consciousness had descended into the earth’s atmosphere. This event was not just a symbolic occurrence but a real, tangible change in the world’s spiritual environment. The Supramental consciousness, which had previously been inaccessible to humanity, was now available for those who were prepared to receive it.

Sri Aurobindo and The Mother believed that the descent of the Supramental consciousness would gradually transform the earth, leading to the emergence of a new, divine humanity. This transformation, however, is a slow and ongoing process, requiring the collective effort of individuals who are committed to the path of Integral Yoga.

Writings and Philosophical Contributions

Sri Aurobindo was a prolific writer, and his works cover a vast range of topics, from spiritual philosophy to poetry and social theory. His writings are characterized by their depth, clarity, and profound insight into the nature of reality and the evolution of consciousness.

  1. The Life Divine: This is Sri Aurobindo’s magnum opus, where he presents his vision of the evolution of consciousness and the role of the Supramental in transforming human life. The book is divided into two parts: the first deals with the nature of existence and the second with the process of spiritual evolution. The Life Divine is considered one of the most comprehensive and profound works of spiritual philosophy ever written.

  2. The Synthesis of Yoga: In this work, Sri Aurobindo outlines the principles and methods of Integral Yoga, providing a practical guide for those seeking to realize the Supramental consciousness. The book covers various aspects of yoga, including the yoga of knowledge, the yoga of devotion, and the yoga of works, and explains how these different paths can be integrated into a single, comprehensive practice.

  3. Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol: Savitri is an epic poem and spiritual masterpiece that tells the story of the cosmic struggle between life and death. The poem is not just a literary work but a spiritual revelation, embodying the highest truths of Sri Aurobindo’s teachings. Through the character of Savitri, Sri Aurobindo explores the themes of love, death, and the triumph of the divine will.

  4. Essays on the Gita: In this work, Sri Aurobindo provides a modern interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita, one of the most important texts in Indian spiritual tradition. He presents the Gita as a guide for the practice of Integral Yoga and the realization of the Supramental consciousness. The essays are characterized by their deep philosophical insights and practical guidance for spiritual seekers.

  5. The Human Cycle, The Ideal of Human Unity, and War and Self-Determination: These works explore the social and political implications of Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual philosophy. He examines the evolution of human society and culture, and how the Supramental consciousness can transform collective life, leading to a new era of unity and harmony.

  6. Letters on Yoga: This collection of letters written to his disciples provides practical guidance on the practice of Integral Yoga and the path to Supramental realization. The letters cover a wide range of topics, including spiritual practice, psychological transformation, and the nature of the Supramental consciousness.

The Mother: The Spiritual Collaborator

Sri Aurobindo’s work on the Supramental consciousness was greatly supported and complemented by The Mother (Mirra Alfassa), who was his closest spiritual collaborator. The Mother played a crucial role in grounding Sri Aurobindo’s teachings in practical reality and facilitating the manifestation of the Supramental consciousness.

The Mother was deeply involved in the day-to-day life of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, where she guided the spiritual practice of the disciples and worked tirelessly to prepare the physical body for the descent of the Supramental consciousness. Her work focused on the transformation of the material world, emphasizing the need for a complete physical and psychological purification to receive the Supramental consciousness.

Together, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother established the Sri Aurobindo Ashram as a centre for the practice of Integral Yoga and the manifestation of the Supramental consciousness. The Ashram became a hub of spiritual activity, attracting seekers from around the world who were drawn to Sri Aurobindo’s vision of a divine life on earth.

The Legacy of Sri Aurobindo: A Vision for the Future

Sri Aurobindo’s teachings have left an enduring legacy, providing a comprehensive vision for the future evolution of humanity. His concept of the Supramental consciousness as the next step in human evolution is not merely a philosophical proposition but a call to action for all those who seek to participate in the divine adventure of consciousness. This legacy is not confined to the theoretical or the abstract but extends to practical, tangible efforts to manifest the Supramental in the world.

One of the most significant embodiments of Sri Aurobindo’s vision is Auroville, an international township founded by The Mother in 1968. Auroville was conceived as a living laboratory for human unity, where people from different cultures, backgrounds, and beliefs could come together to work towards the collective realization of the Supramental consciousness. The city was envisioned as a place where spiritual, social, and material life could be harmonized, providing a model for a new way of living based on the principles of Integral Yoga.

Auroville continues to thrive today, attracting individuals from all over the world who are drawn to its ideals of unity, sustainability, and spiritual growth. The community’s experiments in education, ecology, architecture, and governance are all informed by Sri Aurobindo’s teachings, making it a unique and vibrant centre for the exploration of human potential.

Moreover, the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother have inspired numerous spiritual movements and organizations worldwide. The Aurobindo Society, established to disseminate his teachings, has branches across the globe and engages in various activities aimed at promoting the values of Integral Yoga. Educational institutions like the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education in Pondicherry provide a holistic education based on his principles, nurturing the next generation of seekers and thinkers.

The Supramental Manifestation: Beyond the Ashram and Auroville

While Auroville and the Ashram are tangible manifestations of Sri Aurobindo’s vision, the reach of his teachings extends far beyond these institutions. The Supramental consciousness, as envisioned by Sri Aurobindo, is not restricted to any particular place or community but is a universal force destined to transform all of humanity.

Sri Aurobindo’s writings, particularly The Life Divine and The Synthesis of Yoga, continue to serve as guiding lights for spiritual seekers across the world. His profound insights into the nature of consciousness, the potential for human evolution, and the role of the Supramental in transforming life on earth resonate with individuals from diverse backgrounds, offering them a new understanding of spirituality that is both deeply personal and universally applicable.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the integration of Sri Aurobindo’s teachings with modern science, particularly in the fields of consciousness studies, psychology, and evolutionary biology. Researchers and thinkers are exploring the intersections between his spiritual philosophy and contemporary scientific theories, leading to new dialogues and possibilities for understanding the nature of reality and the potential for human evolution.

A New Humanity: The Promise of the Supramental

At the heart of Sri Aurobindo’s teachings is the promise of a new humanity, one that transcends the limitations of the current human condition and embodies the Supramental consciousness. This new humanity, which Sri Aurobindo referred to as the “Superman,” would live in a state of divine consciousness, free from the ignorance, suffering, and division that characterize the present stage of human evolution.

In The Human Cycle, Sri Aurobindo explores the evolution of human society and culture, suggesting that humanity is at a critical juncture in its development. The transition from the mental consciousness to the Supramental consciousness represents a leap in evolution, where the collective consciousness of humanity will shift from a fragmented, ego-based existence to a unified, divine life.

This transformation, however, is not something that will happen automatically or passively. It requires active participation and conscious effort from individuals who are willing to undergo the rigorous process of self-transformation that Integral Yoga demands. Sri Aurobindo emphasized that the realization of the Supramental consciousness is a collective endeavour, where individuals must work together to create the conditions necessary for its manifestation.

The new humanity that Sri Aurobindo envisioned is one where the individual and the collective are harmonized, where the material and the spiritual are integrated, and where life on earth is transformed into a divine existence. This vision is not utopian but grounded in a deep understanding of the evolutionary process, where each stage of development builds upon the previous one, leading to greater complexity, unity, and consciousness.

Challenges and the Path Forward

While Sri Aurobindo’s vision of the Supramental consciousness offers a hopeful and transformative future for humanity, the path to its realization is fraught with challenges. The descent of the Supramental consciousness is not a simple or straightforward process; it involves the gradual purification and transformation of the entire human being—physical, vital, mental, and spiritual.

One of the primary challenges is the resistance of the lower nature—the ego, desires, attachments, and habitual patterns of thought and behaviour that are deeply ingrained in human consciousness. These elements of the lower nature must be transcended and transformed to make way for the higher consciousness to descend. This process requires immense patience, perseverance, and a steadfast commitment to the path of Integral Yoga.

Moreover, the collective nature of the Supramental transformation means that it cannot be achieved in isolation. It requires the cooperation and collaboration of individuals and communities who are committed to the same goal. This collective effort is essential to create the conditions necessary for the Supramental consciousness to manifest on a larger scale.

Sri Aurobindo was acutely aware of the difficulties and obstacles on the path to Supramental realization, but he remained unwavering in his belief that the descent of the Supramental consciousness was inevitable. He often spoke of the importance of faith, surrender, and the guidance of the Divine in overcoming the challenges of the path.

The Mother’s Role in the Supramental Descent

The Mother played a pivotal role in the process of bringing down the Supramental consciousness. While Sri Aurobindo provided the philosophical and spiritual foundation for the Supramental, The Mother worked tirelessly to manifest it in the physical world. Her focus was on the transformation of the body and the material world, which she saw as essential for the Supramental consciousness to fully take root on earth.

The Mother’s work involved intense inner discipline and spiritual practice, aimed at preparing the body to receive and hold the Supramental consciousness. She believed that the physical body, with all its limitations and weaknesses, could be transformed into a vehicle for the Supramental consciousness, leading to a new kind of human being—one that is divinised and immortal.

The Mother’s experiments in physical transformation were groundbreaking and revolutionary. She documented her experiences in her spiritual diary, The Agenda, which provides a detailed account of her efforts to bring down the Supramental consciousness into the cells of the body. Her work continues to inspire and guide those who are engaged in the practice of Integral Yoga and the path of physical transformation.

Savitri: A Symbol of the Supramental Journey

Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem Savitri is not only a literary masterpiece but also a symbolic representation of the Supramental journey. The poem, which took nearly 50 years to complete, is based on the ancient Indian legend of Savitri and Satyavan but is transformed by Sri Aurobindo into a profound spiritual allegory of the soul’s journey towards the Supramental consciousness.

In Savitri, the character of Savitri represents the Divine Mother, the force of the Supramental consciousness, who descends into the world to conquer death and bring about the transformation of life on earth. Satyavan, her husband, symbolizes the human soul, bound by ignorance and mortality, yet destined for divine realization.

The poem explores the themes of love, death, and the triumph of the Divine Will, embodying the highest truths of Sri Aurobindo’s teachings. Through Savitri, Sri Aurobindo communicates the essence of the Supramental journey—the struggle against the forces of darkness and ignorance, the descent of the Divine consciousness, and the ultimate victory of the light.

Savitra is often considered the spiritual autobiography of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, as it reflects their own experiences and aspirations in the pursuit of the Supramental consciousness. The poem remains one of the most profound and inspiring works of spiritual literature, offering a glimpse into the highest possibilities of human consciousness.

Conclusion: The Ever-Expanding Horizon

Sri Aurobindo’s teachings on the Supramental consciousness represent a monumental shift in the understanding of spirituality and human evolution. His vision of the Supramental is not just a theoretical construct but a lived reality that he and The Mother worked tirelessly to bring into the world. Through their efforts, the Supramental consciousness has become accessible to humanity, offering the possibility of a new, divine life on earth.

The journey towards the Supramental is ongoing, and its realization is a collective endeavour that requires the participation of individuals and communities committed to the path of Integral Yoga. Sri Aurobindo’s writings, teachings, and the institutions he founded continue to guide and inspire seekers around the world, providing a roadmap for the transformation of consciousness and the creation of a new humanity.

As the world faces unprecedented challenges—social, environmental, and spiritual—the relevance of Sri Aurobindo’s teachings has only grown. His vision of the Supramental consciousness offers a path forward, not just for individual transformation but for the collective evolution of humanity. The promise of a new humanity, living in harmony with the Divine consciousness, remains the ever-expanding horizon towards which we must all aspire.

Sri Aurobindo’s work is a testament to the limitless potential of human consciousness and the divine possibilities that lie within each of us. His legacy is not just a set of teachings but a living force that continues to inspire, challenge, and uplift those who are drawn to the Supramental path. The journey he began is far from over, and the future he envisioned is still in the making—a future where the Supramental consciousness becomes the foundation of a new, divine life on earth.


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