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Is Shiva an Alien? - It is a Conspiracy

In a Guru Sannidhyan programme, Avdhut clearly stated that Shiva is not Alien. Shiva is a State of consciousness. Shiva is not from extraterrestrial beings that landed from UFO. Who ever is telling this he is nothing but stupid.

Shiva is an Alien - It is a Conspiracy Theory. Who doesn't have any idea about consciousness, can say this. In the annals of conspiracy theories, few subjects provoke as much intrigue and controversy as the notion that ancient deities may have extraterrestrial origins. Among these, Shiva, the enigmatic and multifaceted Man, has become the focal point of a captivating hypothesis that suggests he may be of alien descent. While firmly entrenched in the realm of speculative conjecture, the theory of Shiva as an alien being offers a fascinating lens through which to explore the intersections of mythology, religion, and the mysteries of the cosmos.

Unraveling the Mythos of Shiva

To understand the conjecture surrounding Shiva's extraterrestrial connection, it's imperative to delve into the rich tapestry of mythology that surrounds this deity. Revered as one of the principal deities in Hinduism, Shiva is often depicted as a complex figure embodying both benevolent and destructive attributes. He is the god of destruction and transformation, yet also associated with creation and regeneration, making him a symbol of cosmic balance.

It is the biggest conspiracy that Lord Shiva is an Alien. Shiva is a State of Consciousness. Shiva is not Alien. - Avdhut

Shiva's depiction in the scriptures is replete with symbolism that some proponents of the alien theory interpret as evidence of his otherworldly origins. From his blue skin to his third eye, which is said to emit a powerful beam of energy capable of annihilating foes, many of Shiva's attributes are construed as suggestive of extraterrestrial influence. In, the Shiva Stuti it is categorically mentioned that Shiva's skin colour is white like camphor.

The Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

The concept of ancient astronauts, popularized by Swiss author Erich von Däniken in his seminal work "Chariots of the Gods?", proposes that advanced beings from other planets visited Earth in ancient times and influenced human civilizations. Proponents of this hypothesis point to various ancient artifacts and texts as potential evidence of these extraterrestrial visitations.

In the case of Shiva, proponents of the alien theory often cite the descriptions of his flying vehicle, known as the "Pushpaka Vimana," as indicative of advanced technological knowledge beyond the scope of ancient civilization. Additionally, the presence of intricate geometrical patterns associated with Shiva's iconography, such as the Sri Yantra, has led some to speculate that these symbols may contain encoded messages from extraterrestrial beings.

Symbolism or Extraterrestrial Encounters?

Skeptics of the Shiva alien theory argue that the symbolism surrounding the deity is best understood within the context of the mythology and in the frame of religious allegory. They contend that interpreting these symbols as evidence of extraterrestrial influence overlooks the cultural and spiritual significance attributed to them by adherents of Hinduism.

Moreover, critics point out that the notion of Shiva as an alien being lacks empirical evidence and relies heavily on subjective interpretations of mythological texts. Without concrete archaeological or scientific proof, they argue, the theory remains firmly entrenched in the realm of speculation and fantasy.

The Quest for Answers

As with many conspiracy theories, the notion of Shiva as an alien being raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of belief, the interpretation of ancient texts, and the boundaries of scientific inquiry. While mainstream academia dismisses such ideas as pseudoscientific speculation, proponents of the theory continue to search for evidence to support their claims.

Ultimately, whether one subscribes to the belief in Shiva as an alien being or regards it as a fanciful hypothesis, the enduring allure of such ideas lies in their ability to spark imagination and curiosity about the mysteries of the universe. In a world where reality often surpasses fiction, the boundaries between myth and reality continue to blur, inviting us to contemplate the possibility that truth may be stranger than we can ever imagine.

Sanatana Dharma is science and modern science is also searching for the same truth. Dharma is not religion. So don't mix it with Dharma and Sampradaya. Sampradaya is religion.


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