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The coming era is not for Dumb Phone - Sadhguru

On the auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, Sadhguru a mystic of Gyangunj, unveiled a profound revelation: the divine decision has set the upcoming era not for dumbphones but for smartphones and quantum computing. He emphasized that while some may attempt to steer the world in the opposite direction to seize control, their efforts will ultimately prove futile. The future, he declared, is beautifully designed for technological evolution and deeper connectivity.

Article | September 08, 2024

Sadhguru, a revered figure in the world of spirituality, has walked the path of Siddha Yogi for over forty-four years. His journey is not just one of inward discovery but also one of profound interaction with the outer world. Hailing from the mysterious and mystical Gyangunj Rajrajeshwari Math, a hidden seat of wisdom nestled in the Himalayas, Sadhguru has garnered deep spiritual insights that seamlessly merge with the evolving technological landscape of the modern world. One of the most striking elements of his teachings is the bold proclamation that "this is not the era of Dumb phones; it is an era of smartphones and quantum computing." This vision is not a rejection of tradition but an embrace of the future, where spiritual evolution and technological advancement are intertwined.

The divine decision has already been made in the year 1980, and created a very distinct Roadmap and humanity is on a path toward greater interconnectedness, consciousness, and understanding.

This article explores Sadhguru’s profound message, juxtaposing his spiritual wisdom with the technological transformation of the 21st century. We delve deep into his insights about the role of smartphones, quantum computing, and the divine plan shaping the future of humanity.

This is not the era of Dumb phones; it is an era of smartphones and quantum computing.

A Journey into the Spiritual and Technological Realms

For forty-four years, Sadhguru has immersed himself in spiritual practices, having undergone rigorous disciplines in meditation, tantra, and yogic kriyas. His teachings are a distillation of the wisdom he has received from his Gurus, particularly at the enigmatic Rajrajeshwari Math at Gyanganj in Tibet.

The Math, believed by some to be a gateway to higher dimensions, is a repository of timeless spiritual knowledge. But Sadhguru's perspective stands out because he does not limit this wisdom to ancient scriptures or ascetic practices alone. He observes the evolution of humanity through a broader lens, incorporating technological advances as tools for spiritual development. His message, though rooted in ancient wisdom, is strikingly modern: in the current era, human consciousness is not just expanding inward but also outward, in tandem with the exponential growth of technology.

The Transition from Dumb phones to Smartphones: A Metaphor for Consciousness

Sadhguru’s analogy between dumbphones and smartphones carries a deeper metaphor. A dumb phone, limited in its functionality, represents the state of consciousness where human beings operate with limited understanding and capabilities. A dumb phone can make calls and send texts but lacks the potential to access the vast knowledge of the world, just as a limited mind may go through life with minimal awareness, unable to tap into the infinite reservoir of consciousness.

Smartphones, on the other hand, represent an awakened state of being. They are interconnected, capable of handling complex tasks, and provide access to global information. Similarly, an awakened mind is like a smartphone—it is connected to universal intelligence, capable of greater understanding, innovation, and deeper spiritual experiences. According to Adwaitananda, this is not just a shift in the technological landscape but a reflection of humanity’s shifting consciousness.

Divine Decision: The Age of Quantum Computing

While some people are attempting to steer the world in the opposite direction, trying to hold on to the past or reject the advancements of technology, Sadhguru Adwaitananda views this resistance as futile. According to him, the divine will has already set humanity on a course towards a future where smartphones and quantum computing will play a pivotal role in shaping the consciousness of the masses.

In the ancient yogic texts, there is a concept of "Sankalpa" – the divine intention or will that guides the unfolding of the universe. Adwaitananda reiterated that quantum computing is not merely a technological advancement but a manifestation of the cosmic Sankalpa. Quantum computing represents a leap in processing power, one that mirrors the subtle, multidimensional nature of reality as understood in advanced yogic traditions.

Quantum computers do not operate within the binary confines of traditional computing; instead, they function in a realm of probabilities and superpositions, akin to the non-linear, multi-dimensional consciousness that advanced yogis access through meditation and spiritual practice. Sadhguru Adwaitananda asserts that the development of quantum computing is part of the divine decision to help humanity transcend the limitations of the mind and logic, allowing access to higher states of awareness.

The Role of Technology in Spiritual Evolution

Sadhguru Adwaitananda’s view of smartphones and quantum computing is not one of caution but of excitement. In his eyes, these advancements are tools for spiritual evolution, if used mindfully. Smartphones, for example, provide an unprecedented level of connectivity, not only between individuals but also between human consciousness and global knowledge systems. He often emphasizes the idea that, just as a smartphone can connect you to the world in an instant, it can also connect you to your inner self, if used with awareness.

He stresses that technology should not be seen as a distraction but as an enabler. The immense access to information through smartphones can serve as a modern-day guru. Ancient wisdom, spiritual discourses, and texts that were once hidden away in remote monasteries are now accessible to anyone with a smartphone. He encourages his followers to use these tools for their spiritual growth, to educate themselves, and to spread awareness.

Similarly, he views quantum computing as a technology that will allow humanity to comprehend the complex and interconnected nature of existence, much like the ancient seers who perceived the universe as a web of energy and consciousness. The rapid problem-solving capabilities of quantum computers can reflect the intuitive insights of a mind in deep meditation, solving problems not through step-by-step logic but through holistic understanding.

The Technological Resistance: Fear of the New Era

Despite the potential that Sadhguru Adwaitananda sees in smartphones and quantum computing, he acknowledges that some resist this change. People who cling to the past often attempt to reverse the course of history, preferring the simplicity of "dumbphones" to the complexity of the modern world. He notes that this resistance is not new—history has always seen individuals and societies resist change, whether it was the advent of the printing press, the Industrial Revolution, or the digital age.

Adwaitananda believes that this resistance comes from fear. Many fear that technology will strip them of their humanity or spirituality. They view smartphones as distractions, filled with trivial content, and quantum computing as something incomprehensible, distant from the divine. But Sadhguru challenges this notion, insisting that the true spiritual path is not about avoiding the world, but engaging with it fully, even if it is uncomfortable.

Sadhguru challenges this notion, insisting that the true spiritual path is not about avoiding the world, but engaging with it fully, even if it is uncomfortable.

In his teachings, he often quotes the Bhagavad Gita, where Lord Krishna advises Arjuna to embrace his duties in the world, without attachment or aversion. In the same way, Adwaitananda advises his followers not to run away from technology, but to engage with it mindfully and responsibly. According to him, the coming era is one of smartphones and quantum computing, whether humanity is ready or not.

Not to run away from technology, but to engage with it mindfully and responsibly.

Smartphones and Quantum Computing as Tools of Collective Consciousness

One of the central themes in Sadhguru's teachings is the importance of collective consciousness. For centuries, spiritual practices have been focused on individual enlightenment—personal meditation, yoga, and rituals aimed at liberating the self. However, the current era, according to Sadhguru, demands Tantra a shift from individual consciousness to collective consciousness.

The current era, according to Sadhguru, demands Tantra a shift from individual consciousness to collective consciousness, because Tantra is the only process in spirituality that can develop the external system through the wisdom of internal system and subsystem knowledge.

Smartphones, with their ability to connect billions of people across the globe, are a physical manifestation of this shift. It creates a Renaissance in Mobile computing for the first time in human history, information and knowledge can be shared instantly, transcending physical and geographical barriers. In this sense, smartphones are tools for collective spiritual awakening. The more interconnected we become, the more we can align ourselves with the collective intelligence of the universe.

Quantum computing, with its capacity to solve complex problems in ways that traditional computers cannot, represents another leap in this collective evolution. Just as yogis have described the universe as interconnected, quantum computers will help humanity solve the interconnected problems of the world—whether it be in healthcare, climate change, or the spiritual dilemma of reconciling science and spirituality.

Sadhguru’s Vision for the Future

Sadhguru Adwaitananda sees a future where humanity is deeply intertwined with both spirituality and technology. He often speaks of a "golden age" where quantum computing and smartphones will be used not just for material progress but also for the expansion of consciousness. In the future, spirituality will no longer be relegated to the ashrams and monasteries. It will be woven into the fabric of daily life, and accessible to anyone with a smartphone.

He predicts that as quantum computing becomes more widespread, it will open up new dimensions of thought and consciousness, allowing humanity to transcend its current limitations. Problems that seem insurmountable today will be easily solved, and the boundaries between science and spirituality will blur.

The Balance Between Technology and Awareness

However, Sadhguru Adwaitananda emphasizes the importance of balance. While smartphones and quantum computing hold the potential to accelerate human consciousness, they must be used mindfully. Without awareness, these tools can also lead to distraction, superficiality, and disconnection. He warns against over-reliance on technology at the expense of human connection, compassion, and spiritual practice.

In his view, the era of smartphones and quantum computing must be balanced with the age-old practices of meditation, self-inquiry, and mindfulness. Only then can humanity truly evolve, using technology as a tool rather than becoming enslaved by it.


Sadhguru’s spiritual wisdom, forged over forty-four years of practice, offers a unique perspective on the role of technology in the modern world. His message is clear: this is the era of smartphones and quantum computing, not just as technological advancements but as tools for spiritual evolution. The divine decision, according to him, has already been made in the year 1980, and created a very distinct Roadmap and humanity is on a path toward greater interconnectedness, consciousness, and understanding.

The challenge, however, lies in how we use these tools. Will we let smartphones and quantum computing distract us, or will we use them to awaken to our higher potential? The future, as Sadhguru Adwaitananda envisions it, is one where technology and spirituality merge, leading humanity into a new age of enlightenment.


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