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Writer's pictureSadhguru

The Duality of Existence by Sadhguru

Article | August 30, 2024


The journey of life is a complex interplay of various forces, one of which is the dichotomy between consciousness and unawareness. Every living being embodies these two aspects: a conscious, aware part and an unconscious, unaware part. This duality influences our thoughts, actions, and experiences in profound ways. Understanding this duality is crucial for anyone on a spiritual path because it shapes our perception of reality and determines the direction of our spiritual growth.

Chapter 1: The Nature of Consciousness

Consciousness is often defined as the state of being aware of and able to think and perceive. However, it is more than just a state; it is the essence of life itself. In various spiritual traditions, consciousness is regarded as the purest form of existence, the substratum of all that is. It is the light that illuminates the mind and allows us to experience the world. This consciousness is not just limited to intellectual awareness but extends to a deeper, more intrinsic level of being. It is the witness, the observer that remains constant amidst the ever-changing thoughts and emotions.

In Hindu philosophy, consciousness is referred to as "Chaitanya," the fundamental, all-pervading reality that is beyond the mind and senses. It is said to be the true nature of the self, the "Atman." This consciousness is eternal, unchanging, and independent of the body and mind. It is the source of all knowledge and experience. When we are in touch with this aspect of ourselves, we are said to be "awake" or "enlightened."

Chapter 2: The Veil of Unawareness

Opposed to this pure consciousness is the state of unawareness, often associated with ignorance or "Avidya." This unawareness is not simply a lack of knowledge but a deeper, more pervasive condition that clouds our true nature. It is what keeps us entangled in the material world, driven by desires, fears, and ego. Unawareness leads to identification with the body and mind, causing us to forget our true essence.

Unawareness manifests in various forms, such as mindlessness, inattentiveness, and a general lack of presence. When we are unaware, we are not fully alive; we are like automatons, reacting to stimuli without true understanding. This unawareness is the root cause of suffering because it creates a sense of separation from others and the divine.

In spiritual terms, unawareness is often compared to darkness. Just as darkness is the absence of light, unawareness is the absence of consciousness. It is not an entity in itself but a condition that arises when consciousness is obscured. The goal of spiritual practice is to dispel this darkness, to remove the veil of unawareness so that the light of consciousness can shine through.

Chapter 3: The Problem of Behavioral Incongruence

One of the most perplexing issues in the spiritual journey is the inconsistency between awareness and behaviour. Some individuals possess a degree of consciousness or awareness but still act as if they are unaware. This behavioural incongruence is a sign of a deeper problem, indicating that the individual's awareness has not fully integrated into their being.

This inconsistency can manifest in various ways. For example, someone might have an intellectual knowledge of spiritual truths but still engage in ego-driven behaviour. They might understand the importance of compassion but still act selfishly. This gap between knowledge and action is a sign that consciousness has not permeated the lower levels of the mind and body.

The root cause of this incongruence is often a lack of deep, transformative spiritual practice. While intellectual understanding is important, it is not sufficient for true spiritual growth. Real transformation requires a shift in consciousness that goes beyond the mind and touches the core of our being. Without this shift, awareness remains superficial, and behaviour remains inconsistent.

Chapter 4: The Role of Spiritual Practice

Spiritual practice, or "Sadhana," is the process of aligning one's life with the deeper truth of consciousness. It involves various disciplines and practices designed to purify the mind, body, and soul, making them receptive to higher awareness. Through consistent practice, one can gradually dissolve the layers of unawareness and allow the light of consciousness to shine through.

There are many forms of spiritual practice, each tailored to different aspects of the individual. Some practices focus on the mind, such as meditation and mindfulness, while others emphasize the body, like yoga and breathwork. Devotional practices, such as prayer and chanting, work on the emotional level, opening the heart to divine love. The common thread in all these practices is the goal of awakening to one's true nature.

One of the most important aspects of spiritual practice is the cultivation of awareness. This involves training the mind to be present, and to observe thoughts and emotions without getting caught up in them. It also involves developing the ability to see beyond the surface level of reality, to perceive the underlying unity of all existence. As awareness deepens, the gap between consciousness and behaviour begins to close, leading to greater harmony and alignment in life.

Chapter 5: The Ego Trap

A common pitfall on the spiritual path is the trap of ego. As one begins to develop awareness, there is a tendency for the ego to co-opt this awareness and use it for its own purposes. This can lead to spiritual pride, where one feels superior to others because of their knowledge or experience. The ego might also use awareness as a tool for self-aggrandizement, leading to a false sense of enlightenment.

True spiritual practice, however, does not inflate the ego but rather dissolves it. The more one becomes aware, the more one realizes the illusory nature of the ego. Awareness reveals the interconnectedness of all beings, making it clear that the ego's sense of separation is a delusion. As this understanding deepens, the ego naturally begins to lose its grip, and a sense of humility and simplicity arises.

Chapter 6: Simplicity as a Sign of True Awareness

One of the hallmarks of genuine spiritual awareness is simplicity. When consciousness is fully awakened, it brings about a natural simplicity in life. This simplicity is not about renunciation or austerity but about living in alignment with one's true nature. It involves letting go of unnecessary complexities, desires, and attachments, and embracing the present moment with clarity and grace.

Simplicity in this context is about being authentic to oneself. It means living without pretension, without the need to impress others or prove anything. It is about being at peace with who you are and where you are in life. This simplicity is a reflection of inner purity, a sign that one is living from a place of deep awareness rather than from the dictates of the ego.

In a world that values complexity and achievement, simplicity can be misunderstood as naivety or lack of ambition. However, true simplicity is a sign of spiritual maturity. It is the result of having seen through the illusions of the material world and realizing that true fulfilment comes from within. This simplicity is not something that can be achieved by force but arises naturally as one deepens in awareness.

Chapter 7: Practical Steps to Cultivate Awareness

Cultivating awareness is a lifelong process that requires dedication and practice. Here are some practical steps to help deepen your awareness:

  1. Mindfulness Meditation: Spend time each day in mindfulness meditation. This practice involves focusing on the present moment and observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Over time, this helps to cultivate a deep sense of awareness.

  2. Self-Inquiry: Regularly engage in self-inquiry to understand your true nature. Ask yourself, "Who am I?" and explore the answer beyond the superficial identity of the ego. This practice helps to dissolve the false sense of self and reveals the underlying consciousness.

  3. Simplify Your Life: Make conscious choices to simplify your life. Let go of unnecessary possessions, commitments, and distractions. Focus on what truly matters and live in alignment with your values.

  4. Practice Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for the present moment. This helps to shift your focus from what is lacking to what is abundant, deepening your awareness of the richness of life.

  5. Be Present in Every Action: Whether you are working, eating, or spending time with loved ones, practice being fully present. This helps to bring awareness into every aspect of your life and reduces the tendency to act out of habit or unconsciousness.

  6. Engage in Spiritual Study: Read and reflect on spiritual texts that resonate with you. This helps to deepen your understanding of consciousness and inspires your spiritual journey.

  7. Seek Guidance: If possible, find a spiritual teacher or mentor who can guide you on your path. Having someone who has walked the path before you can provide valuable insights and help you avoid common pitfalls.

Chapter 8: The Role of Compassion in Awareness

Compassion is a natural expression of deep awareness. When one is truly aware, the boundaries between self and others begin to dissolve, leading to a sense of unity and interconnectedness. This realization gives rise to compassion, a genuine concern for the well-being of all beings.

Compassion is not just an emotion but a way of being. It involves seeing the divine in others and recognizing that we are all part of the same consciousness. This understanding leads to acts of kindness and selflessness, not out of obligation but out of a natural outpouring of love.

In spiritual practice, compassion serves as a powerful tool for dissolving the ego. When we act with compassion, we transcend the narrow confines of self-interest and align ourselves with the greater good. This alignment helps to deepen our awareness and brings us closer to our true nature.

Chapter 9: Awareness and the Collective Consciousness

Individual awareness is just one aspect of a larger, collective consciousness. As more individuals awaken to their true nature, this collective consciousness begins to shift, leading to a transformation in society as a whole. This is why spiritual practice is not just a personal journey but a contribution to the evolution of humanity.

When we cultivate awareness, we are not only benefiting ourselves but also those around us. Our actions, thoughts, and intentions create ripples in the collective consciousness, influencing the world in ways we may not even realize. This is why it is important to approach spiritual practice with a sense of responsibility and humility, recognizing that our personal growth has far-reaching effects.


The duality of consciousness and unawareness is a fundamental aspect of the human experience. Understanding this duality is essential for anyone on the spiritual path. Through dedicated spiritual practice, we can elevate our minds, deepen our awareness, and dissolve the ego, leading to a life of simplicity, authenticity, and compassion. As we align ourselves with our true nature, we not only transform our own lives but also contribute to the awakening of the collective consciousness.


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