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Writer's pictureSadhguru

The Eternal Flame Within - Avdhut

In a realm where time and dreams entwine,

Where mountains kiss the skies divine,

There lies a tale of light so pure,

A flame within, the soul's true cure.

In a village by the sacred hills,

Where rivers sang with ancient thrills,

Lived a seeker, young and bright,

Maya, drawn to inner light.

With eyes that held the cosmos' glow,

And heart that yearned for truth to know,

She dreamt of temples, veiled in mist,

A voice that called, a fate that kissed.

"Seek the flame," the whisper said,

"A light within, where angels tread."

Awakened by this mystic call,

Maya's journey, began for all.

Through forests dense and valleys deep,

O'er peaks where ancient spirits weep,

She walked with hope, a pilgrim's grace,

In search of that celestial place.

At ashram's gate, on hilltop high,

With lotuses that touched the sky,

She met a sage, Parashar wise,

Who saw the quest in Maya's eyes.

"Nath Yoga's path," the sage revealed,

"Will guide your soul, your wounds be healed.

In breath and stillness, find the way,

To light within, where truth will stay."

With pranayama, asanas too,

She learned to still, to see anew.

In meditation's deep embrace,

She found the spark, the inner grace.

Yet trials came, as shadows do,

With doubts and fears, her spirit knew.

But Sage Parashar's words held tight,

"In darkest hours, shines the light."

In solitude, by sacred stream,

She found the strength, a silent dream.

Her fears dissolved in flowing time,

Her soul emerged, in light sublime.

One day, atop a mountain's crest,

In meditation, deeply blessed,

She saw the truth, a vision clear,

The Flame of All, so bright and near.

No separate self, no ego's bind,

Just cosmic dance, with love aligned.

The flame she sought, in every heart,

A unity, where none depart.

Returning to her village home,

No longer did she feel alone.

She shared the wisdom, spread the flame,

In every soul, she saw the same.

"Embrace the light," she'd gently say,

"In every heart, it finds its way.

The journey's end, the journey's start,

Is in the love within your heart."

And so the tale of Maya's quest,

Of inner light and soul's bequest,

Became a beacon, far and wide,

A viral tale, with truth inside.

For in her words, a wisdom flowed,

A timeless truth, the ancients showed.

The Flame Within, the soul's true kin,

A light that shines, where love begins.

In every heart, the flame does dwell,

A silent spark, an inner well.

Awakened by the seeker's quest,

The light of love, forever blessed.


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