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Writer's pictureSadhguru

The Lotus Sutra by Sadhguru

The Lotus Sutra

When the Diamond Light, in brilliance pure,

Radiates itself through realms obscure,

Into the heart of the celestial bloom,

The Lotus opens, dispelling gloom.

Each crystal dot, a spark divine,

Buddha-mind in an endless line,

In dialogue with itself, it sings,

Weaving patterns of eternal rings.

Dimensions are vast, they intertwine,

Holding keys to origins fine,

In the enfolded space they dwell,

Where the Lotus casts its sacred spell.

“And there will be light,” the Sutra proclaims,

A sweet interval, where time’s refrain,

Pauses at the edge of eternity,

Enlightening the world’s infinity.

The world gazes deep into its own,

Mirror upon mirror, reflection grown,

Caught in the gaze, it sees itself,

An endless loop on the cosmic shelf.

But then the gaze shifts, a subtle turn,

No longer the self it yearns to discern,

Becoming the mirror, it reflects the dance,

Of infinite dots in a cosmic trance.

Each dot is a Bodhisattva’s grace,

Creating time’s transcendent face,

Through the Lotus, they all unfold,

Matter and spirit in unity bold.

1qua 2qua, the Sutra’s sound,

Hun treka mapalo, profound,

Stars flicker in the cosmic sea,

Children sing with hearts set free.

And the Buddha, with a smile so wide,

Watches the dance from the other side,

Eternal in His serene embrace,

The Lotus blooms in time and space.

Spirit and matter, fused as one,

In the Lotus, their journey began,

A perennial entity ever-changing,

Yet in its core, unchanging, arranging.

The universe sings, the Sutra’s song,

The Lotus blooms, where all belong,

In the Diamond Light, all is clear,

The Jewel in the Lotus, ever near.


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