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The One Who Can Be Consistent with the Real Sense of consonance Is Called Consort by Sadhguru

Article | September 01, 2016

Introduction: The Consonance of Consort

The term "consort" often evokes images of partnership, harmony, and unity. In many traditions, a consort is more than just a companion or spouse; they represent the embodiment of balance, the yin to the yang, the coalescence of energies that complement one another. However, to truly understand the essence of a consort, one must delve deeper into the concept of consonance—the alignment and harmony of forces, thoughts, actions, and intentions. A consort is not merely a partner but someone who resonates with the real sense of consonance, maintaining consistency in every aspect of life, whether it be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.

In this article, we will explore the profound meaning of what it means to be a consort in various contexts, ranging from relationships and spirituality to the arts and nature. We will examine the qualities that define a true consort, the significance of consonance in different realms, and the challenges one might face in striving for such alignment. By the end, we will see how being a consort is not just about being in harmony with another person but also about achieving a deeper consonance with the universe and oneself.

1. The Etymology and Evolving Meaning of Consort

To begin understanding what it means to be a consort, it is crucial to first examine the word’s etymology. The word "consort" comes from the Latin colours, which means "sharing, partner." This word itself is derived from con- (together) and sors (fate, lot). Hence, a consort is someone who shares one’s fate or destiny, a partner in every sense of the word. Historically, this term has been used to describe a spouse or companion, often in royal or noble contexts, where the consort shares in the ruling or leadership responsibilities, albeit sometimes in a more supportive role.

However, the meaning of consort has evolved over time. While it still retains the connotations of partnership and shared destiny, it has also come to signify a deeper, more spiritual connection. A true consort is someone consistent with the real sense of consonant—someone whose actions, thoughts, and energy align perfectly with another’s, creating a harmonious balance that transcends mere physical companionship. This concept of consonance is key to understanding the modern interpretation of what it means to be a consort.

2. Consonance in Relationships: The Role of a Consort

In relationships, consonance refers to the harmony and alignment between partners. A consort in this context is someone who supports their partner and resonates with them on a deeper level. This resonance is not limited to shared interests or goals but extends to the very core of their being—their values, beliefs, and energy.

2.1. Emotional Consonance

Emotional consonance is one of the most important aspects of being a consort. It involves understanding and aligning with the emotional states of one’s partner, creating a sense of safety and trust. A consort is someone who can anticipate their partner’s needs and respond to them in a way that fosters emotional stability and growth. This requires a deep understanding of one’s partner’s emotional landscape and a commitment to maintaining balance even in challenging times.

For example, in the Tantric traditions, the relationship between Shiva and Shakti is often cited as the epitome of emotional consonance. Shiva, the ultimate consciousness, and Shakti, the primordial energy, are seen as consorts whose union represents the perfect balance of masculine and feminine energies. Their relationship is not just about physical or emotional connection but about the alignment of their entire beings, creating a divine consonance that sustains the universe.

2.2. Mental and Intellectual Consonance

Beyond emotions, a consort must also align with their partner mentally and intellectually. This involves sharing a common vision, engaging in meaningful dialogue, and challenging each other in ways that promote mutual growth. Intellectual consonance does not necessarily mean agreeing on everything but rather respecting and understanding each other’s perspectives, thereby fostering a relationship that is both dynamic and balanced.

In the intellectual realm, consorts often push each other towards greater understanding and wisdom. They are partners in learning, encouraging each other to explore new ideas and question existing beliefs. This intellectual partnership is crucial for maintaining consonance in a relationship, as it ensures that both partners continue to grow together rather than drifting apart.

2.3. Spiritual Consonance

Perhaps the most profound aspect of being a consort is spiritual consonance. This involves aligning with one’s partner on a spiritual level, sharing not just beliefs but a deep sense of purpose and connection to the divine. In many spiritual traditions, the relationship between consorts is seen as a path to enlightenment, where the union of two souls creates a synergy that transcends the individual.

Spiritual consonance requires a deep commitment to understanding and supporting each other’s spiritual journeys. It involves not only sharing spiritual practices but also creating a space where both partners can explore their spirituality in a way that is meaningful and fulfilling. A true consort is someone who helps their partner connect with the divine, acting as both a guide and a companion on the spiritual path.

3. The Consort in Spiritual Traditions: A Symbol of Divine Consonance

In many spiritual traditions, the concept of a consort goes beyond mere companionship and enters the realm of the divine. Consorts are often seen as manifestations of the divine union between complementary forces—such as masculine and feminine, consciousness and energy, or spirit and matter. This divine consonance is at the heart of many religious and spiritual teachings, where the union of consorts symbolizes the ultimate harmony of the universe.

3.1. The Tantric Tradition: Shiva and Shakti

In Tantric traditions, the relationship between Shiva and Shakti is the quintessential example of divine consorts. Shiva represents the pure consciousness, the unchanging, eternal aspect of the divine, while Shakti represents the dynamic, creative energy that brings the universe into existence. Their union is not just a physical or emotional connection but a cosmic dance that sustains all of creation.

The relationship between Shiva and Shakti is often depicted as a perfect balance of opposites, where each complements and completes the other. This balance is the essence of consonance, where the energies of both consorts are in perfect harmony, creating a union that transcends the individual and becomes a manifestation of the divine.

3.2. The Buddhist Tradition: The Yab-Yum

In Tibetan Buddhism, the concept of consorts is often represented in the form of Yab-Yum, a symbolic representation of the union of wisdom and compassion. In this tradition, the male deity represents wisdom, while the female deity represents compassion. Their union is seen as the embodiment of enlightenment, where the merging of these two qualities leads to the realization of ultimate truth.

The Yab-Yum is a powerful symbol of spiritual consonance, where the consorts are not just partners but manifestations of complementary aspects of the divine. This union is seen as the path to enlightenment, where the balance of wisdom and compassion leads to the realization of one’s true nature.

3.3. The Alchemical Tradition: The Sacred Marriage

In Western alchemical traditions, the concept of consorts is often represented by the hieros gamos, or sacred marriage, between the sun and the moon, or the king and queen. This union symbolizes the merging of opposites—such as masculine and feminine, spirit and matter, or conscious and unconscious—to create a new, transformed whole.

The sacred marriage is a metaphor for the process of spiritual transformation, where the union of consorts represents the integration of all aspects of the self. This integration leads to the creation of the philosopher’s stone, the ultimate goal of alchemy, which symbolizes the attainment of enlightenment or divine consonance.

4. The Consort in Art and Culture: A Muse and Partner

In the realms of art and culture, the concept of a consort often takes on a different but equally profound meaning. Here, a consort is not just a partner but a muse—someone who inspires and elevates the creative process. This consonance between artist and muse, or between collaborators, is essential for creating works that resonate on a deeper level.

4.1. The Muse: A Source of Inspiration

Throughout history, artists have often credited their greatest works to the influence of a consort or muse. Whether it is a romantic partner, a close friend, or even a divine figure, the muse represents a source of inspiration that fuels the creative process. The relationship between artist and muse is one of consonance, where the energy and ideas of the muse align perfectly with the artist’s vision.

This consonance is not just about inspiration but also about the alignment of energies. A true muse is someone whose presence brings out the best in the artist, creating a harmony that leads to the creation of art that is not only beautiful but also deeply meaningful. This relationship is a form of artistic consonance, where the consort acts as both a partner and a guide in the creative process.

4.2. Collaboration: The Consonance of Creativity

In the world of art and culture, collaboration is another form of consonance, where two or more individuals come together to create something greater than the sum of their parts. Whether it is a partnership between artists, writers, musicians, or other creatives, the success of the collaboration depends on the alignment of their energies, ideas, and visions.

A true consort in this context is someone who can work in harmony with others, creating a balance that allows for the free flow of creativity. This requires not only talent and skill but also a deep understanding of the collaborative process and the ability to maintain consonance even in the face of challenges. The result is a work of art that reflects the combined energies of all involved, creating something that resonates on a deeper level with its audience.

4.3. The Role of Consort in Cultural Traditions

In many cultural traditions, the concept of a consort is central to the creation and preservation of cultural heritage. Whether it is the role of a royal consort in upholding traditions or the influence of a spiritual consort in guiding religious practices, these partnerships are often seen as vital to the continuity and evolution of culture.

A consort in this context is someone who embodies the values and traditions of their culture, acting as both a guardian and a guide. This requires a deep consonance with the cultural heritage, as well as the ability to adapt and evolve with the changing times. By maintaining this consonance, a consort helps to preserve the cultural identity while also allowing for growth and innovation.

5. The Consort in Nature: The Harmony of Ecosystems

In nature, the concept of consonance can be observed in the harmonious balance of ecosystems, where every element plays a crucial role in maintaining the overall equilibrium. In this context, a consort is someone or something that contributes to this balance, ensuring that all parts of the ecosystem work together in harmony.

5.1. The Role of Consorts in Animal Kingdom

In the animal kingdom, consorts can be observed in the form of symbiotic relationships, where two different species work together for mutual benefit. These relationships are a form of natural consonance, where the alignment of needs and actions creates a harmonious balance that benefits both parties.

For example, the relationship between bees and flowers is a perfect example of consonance in nature. Bees rely on flowers for nectar, while flowers rely on bees for pollination. This mutual relationship is a form of consonance, where the actions of each partner are perfectly aligned to create a harmonious balance that sustains both species.

5.2. The Balance of Ecosystems

Ecosystems are complex webs of relationships, where every element plays a role in maintaining the overall balance. In this context, a consort can be seen as any element that contributes to the harmony of the ecosystem, whether it is a predator keeping prey populations in check or a plant providing food and shelter for other species.

The concept of consonance in nature is not just about balance but also about the dynamic interplay of forces. Just as in human relationships, consonance in nature requires adaptability, resilience, and the ability to maintain harmony even in the face of challenges. A consort in this context is someone or something that contributes to this balance, ensuring the continued health and vitality of the ecosystem.

5.3. Human Impact on Natural Consonance

Human activity has a significant impact on the consonance of natural ecosystems. From deforestation to pollution, the actions of humans can disrupt the delicate balance of nature, leading to the degradation of ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity. In this context, the concept of a consort takes on a new meaning, as it becomes the responsibility of humans to act as stewards of the environment, maintaining consonance with nature.

This requires a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and a commitment to sustainable practices that protect and preserve the natural world. By aligning our actions with the needs of the environment, we can become true consorts of nature, contributing to the harmony and balance of the planet.

6. The Challenges of Being a Consort: Maintaining Consonance in a Complex World

Being a consort is not without its challenges. Maintaining consonance in any context—whether in relationships, spirituality, art, or nature—requires a deep commitment to balance and harmony. This can be difficult in a complex and often chaotic world, where external pressures and internal struggles can disrupt consonance.

6.1. The Challenge of Balance

One of the greatest challenges of being a consort is maintaining balance. Whether it is balancing the needs of a partner with one’s own, aligning with the demands of a creative process, or contributing to the harmony of an ecosystem, balance is key to consonance. However, this balance is often difficult to achieve and maintain, requiring constant attention and adjustment.

In relationships, this challenge can manifest as the struggle to maintain emotional, mental, and spiritual consonance with a partner. In art, it can involve balancing the creative vision with practical considerations. In nature, it can mean finding ways to live sustainably in harmony with the environment. In all cases, the challenge is to find and maintain a balance that allows for consonance to flourish.

6.2. The Challenge of Adaptability

Another challenge of being a consort is adaptability. Consonance is not a static state but a dynamic process that requires constant adjustment and adaptation. Whether it is adapting to changes in a relationship, evolving in one’s spiritual practice, or responding to shifts in the environment, being a consort requires the ability to adapt while maintaining harmony.

This adaptability is crucial for maintaining consonance, as it allows for the flexibility needed to navigate the challenges of life. However, it also requires a deep understanding of the underlying principles of consonance, as well as the ability to apply these principles in different contexts.

6.3. The Challenge of Consistency

Consistency is perhaps the most challenging aspect of being a consort. To be consistent with the real sense of consonant means to maintain harmony in all aspects of life, even in the face of adversity. This requires a deep commitment to the principles of consonance and the ability to apply them consistently, regardless of the circumstances.

Consistency is key to maintaining consonance, as it ensures that balance and harmony are sustained over time. However, this consistency can be difficult to achieve, especially in a constantly changing and evolving world. Being a consort requires the ability to stay true to the principles of consonance while also adapting to the challenges and changes of life.

7. Conclusion: The Essence of Being a Consort

In conclusion, being a consort is about more than just being a partner or companion. It is about achieving consonance in all aspects of life—emotional, mental, spiritual, and environmental. A true consort is someone consistent with the real sense of consonant, maintaining harmony and balance in every context.

Whether in relationships, spirituality, art, or nature, the essence of being a consort lies in the ability to align with the forces of life and contribute to the harmony of the universe. This requires a deep understanding of the principles of consonance, as well as the commitment and adaptability needed to maintain this harmony in a complex and ever-changing world.

Being a consort is a profound and deeply fulfilling role, one that goes beyond mere companionship to encompass a deeper connection with the universe and oneself. It is a journey of growth, balance, and harmony, where the ultimate goal is to achieve consonance with all aspects of life, creating a union that transcends the individual and becomes a manifestation of the divine.


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