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Writer's pictureSadhguru

The Whispering Flame - Avdhut

In a valley kissed by morning dew,

Where mountains rise and skies are blue,

A seeker’s heart began to stir,

In search of wisdom's quiet whisper.

Maya lived in a village fair,

With tranquil streams and fragrant air.

Yet deep within, a longing grew,

A call to seek, a quest to pursue.

One night beneath the silver moon,

She dreamt of paths that end too soon.

A temple is hidden in the mist,

A flame that beckoned, gently kissed.

"Find the flame," the whisper said,

"In your heart, where truths are bred."

Awake, she knew her journey’s start,

To seek the light, the soul's pure art.

Through forests dense and meadows wide,

With courage strong, and love as guide,

She traveled far, o'er hill and dale,

In search of truths that never fail.

At last, she reached an ashram high,

Where sages taught, and spirits fly.

Sage Parashar, with wisdom's grace,

Saw Maya’s quest, and her embrace.

"Nath Yoga’s path," the sage began,

"Will guide you to the inner man.

In breath and posture, find your peace,

In stillness, let the noise decrease."

With pranayama, asanas too,

Maya learned to see anew.

In meditation’s deep repose,

She touched the light that always glows.

Yet trials came, as shadows creep,

With fears that made her spirit weep.

But Sage Parashar's counsel clear,

"In darkest night, the light is near."

By river's edge, in solitude,

She found the strength, a fortitude.

Her fears dissolved, like mist at dawn,

Her soul emerged, its armor gone.

One dawn atop a sacred peak,

In meditation, vision is sleek,

She saw the truth, a unity,

The flame within, in you and me.

No separate self, no walls confined,

Just cosmic love, in hearts aligned.

The flame she sought was not afar,

It burned within, a guiding star.

Back to her village, Maya went,

With heart fulfilled and spirit spent.

She shared her light, her wisdom’s flame,

In every soul, she saw the same.

"The journey in," she softly spoke,

"Is where the soul's true fire awoke.

The flame you seek, in every heart,

A light of love, where none depart."

Her words took flight, a viral song,

Of inner peace where we belong.

The tale of Maya’s quest to find,

The flame of love, in all mankind.

For in each heart, the flame does burn,

A timeless light, for which we yearn.

Awaken now, the inner spark,

And light the world, dispel the dark.

In every breath, in every soul,

The flame of wisdom makes us whole.

Embrace the light, the love within,

And let the journey now begin.


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