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Time Is Ticking and You Are Getting a Little Closer to Death Is the Wrong Concept by Sadhguru

Sadhguru explains Swakayakalpa in Sadhguru Sannidhyan and how the Sadhaks of Nigam Tantra can work on Swakayakalpa.

Article | September 30, 2024

Sadhguru: In a world that is constantly in motion, the popular belief is that with every passing moment, we are getting closer to death. Time, as it is conventionally understood, is often perceived as a linear progression. From the moment we are born, the clock starts ticking, moving us steadily toward an inevitable end. This idea, ingrained deeply in our collective psyche, permeates modern philosophies, religions, and even the way we approach life itself.

However, in the ancient traditions of Nigam Tantra, a profound branch of esoteric wisdom, this notion is turned on its head. The concept that "time is ticking and you are getting closer to death" is seen as fundamentally flawed. Instead, there is a recognition that the human body, mind, and soul are governed not by time as we commonly understand it, but by specific energetic and spiritual practices that can reshape, fix, or even extend one's lifespan. One such practice is Swakayakalapa Sadhana, an advanced method within Nigam Tantra, that aims to stabilize the body and soul at a certain age. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of this practice, challenge conventional perceptions of time and death, and delve into how Swakayakalapa Sadhana opens up new possibilities for life extension and transformation.

Ageing is not an unavoidable consequence of life but a reflection of unmastered energy. Through Swakayakalapa Sadhana, one can fix themselves in eternal youth.

Understanding Time: A False Linear Progression?

From a young age, we are taught that time is a constant, an unyielding force that moves in one direction—from birth to death. The moments of life, measured in seconds, minutes, hours, and years, are supposed to represent the passing of our finite existence. In this worldview, death is seen as the ultimate end, a point at which our bodies fail and we cease to be. The notion of ageing is tied to this forward march of time; as we grow older, we accumulate wear and tear, much like a machine. This creates a deep-rooted fear of time and death, pushing us into a cycle of anxiety about ageing.

Death is not the end of life; it is the transition between states of being. When you master time, death becomes merely a moment, not a destiny.

But is time truly linear? Ancient tantric traditions such as Nigam Tantra challenge this view. Time, according to Nigam texts, is not an external force but a creation of human perception. It is a construct of the mind that emerges from the way we experience the world. Instead of seeing time as a straight line, these tantric teachings view it as cyclical, fluid, and even manipulable. In Nigam Tantra, time is not an enemy that marches us closer to death, but rather a dimension that can be influenced through advanced spiritual practices, one of which is Swakayakalapa Sadhana.

The illusion that we are getting closer to death each day dissolves when we realize that time is shaped by our consciousness, not by the ticking of a clock.

The Philosophy of Nigam Tantra: Cycles of Existence

Nigam Tantra is the Oldest Spiritual Process in the Universe that places great emphasis on manoeuvring and mastery of various dimensions of existence. Unlike the externalized, rigid practices of some spiritual paths, Nigam Tantra delves deep into the inner workings of the self, focusing on the transformation of consciousness, energy, and even the body.

At the heart of Nigam Tantra is the recognition that life and death are two sides of the same coin—one cannot exist without the other. However, these two states are not governed by time in the way we commonly perceive it. Instead, life and death are part of an energetic cycle that can be influenced, controlled, or extended through the mastery of certain practices.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Nigam Tantra is its approach to ageing and death. While modern science sees ageing as an inevitable process driven by biological decay, Nigam Tantra views ageing as a reflection of our internal energy and consciousness. By mastering certain techniques, it is believed that one can halt or reverse the effects of ageing, thus "fixing" oneself in a specific age or state of being. This is where Swakayakalapa Sadhana comes into play.

To fix oneself in a certain age is not to defy nature, but to align with the deeper rhythms of life that transcend the limitations of ordinary time.

Swakayakalapa Sadhana: The Ancient Art of Fixing One’s Age

Swakayakalapa Sadhana is a highly advanced tantric practice aimed at fixing an individual’s age at a certain point, essentially bypassing the conventional ageing process. Derived from ancient Nigam texts, this sadhana (spiritual discipline) involves intense meditation, breath control, and energetic manipulation to stabilize one's physical and spiritual essence in a specific time frame.

The word "Swakayakalapa" itself breaks down into three parts:

  1. Swaka: Refers to the self, encompassing both the physical and spiritual bodies.

  2. Kala: Signifies time, but not in the linear sense. It refers to the cyclical, eternal, and manipulable aspects of time.

  3. Kalapa: Represents the integration or state of being, suggesting that this practice allows for the consolidation of one's age, merging body and time in a fixed state.

Swakayakalapa Sadhana is unique because it doesn’t rely on external interventions—such as herbs or elixirs—that are often found in other traditions. Instead, it focuses purely on internal transformation, utilizing the practitioner's own energy and consciousness to manipulate their experience of time.

The Process of Swakayakalapa Sadhana under Kaal-Vigyan of Gyangunj: A Journey of Mastery

Swakayakalapa Sadhana is not a practice that can be undertaken lightly. It requires years of dedication, guidance from an experienced guru, and a deep understanding of tantric principles. Below is a rough outline of the stages involved in this practice:

  1. Purification of the Body and Mind: The first stage of Swakayakalapa Sadhana involves a thorough purification of the body and mind. The practitioner engages in specific detoxifying rituals, often involving fasting, pranayama (breath control), and cleansing techniques to rid the body of impurities. The mind, too, must be cleared of distractions and attachments through intense meditation.

  2. Awakening the Energy Body: Once the physical and mental purifications are complete, the practitioner focuses on awakening the energy body. This is done through the activation of the Kundalini Shakti, the primal energy believed to reside at the base of the spine. Through specific tantric techniques, the Kundalini is awakened and guided through the chakras (energy centres) to ensure a free flow of life energy.

  3. Manipulation of Time Through Breath: Breath is central to all tantric practices, and in Swakayakalapa Sadhana, it becomes the primary tool for manipulating time. The practitioner engages in precise pranayama techniques designed to slow down or regulate the breath to such an extent that time, as experienced by the body, becomes malleable. This control of breath is believed to influence the flow of prana (vital life force), directly impacting the ageing process.

  4. Meditation on Agelessness: At the heart of Swakayakalapa Sadhana is a meditation on agelessness. The practitioner visualizes themselves at a certain age—usually an age of optimal health and vitality—and anchors this image in their consciousness. This visualization is combined with mantras and mudras (sacred hand gestures) that further solidify this state of being in both the physical and energetic bodies.

  5. Fixing in a Specific Age: The final stage of Swakayakalapa Sadhana involves "fixing" the practitioner at a specific age. By harnessing the awakened energy body and the control over prana, the practitioner stabilizes themselves at a desired point in time. This is not a temporary state but rather a permanent fixation in that particular age. Once achieved, the practitioner no longer experiences the effects of biological ageing, remaining in a state of youthful vitality for as long as they continue the practice.

The Science of Swakayakalapa: Beyond Mythology?

While Swakayakalapa Sadhana may sound mythical, there is a growing body of scientific research that supports the idea that ageing is not an irreversible process. Modern science has begun to explore the mechanisms of ageing, uncovering that cellular ageing is largely driven by factors such as oxidative stress, telomere shortening, and DNA damage. Interestingly, practices that involve breath control, meditation, and energy work—much like those found in Swakayakalapa Sadhana—have been shown to influence these factors positively.

Swakayakalapa Sadhana reveals that time is not our enemy, but a tool that, when mastered, allows us to choose how we age and when we transcend.

For instance, studies on pranayama and meditation have demonstrated their ability to reduce oxidative stress, increase telomere length, and even repair DNA damage. These findings suggest that the manipulation of energy and consciousness, as described in Nigam Tantra, may indeed have a tangible effect on the ageing process. While Swakayakalapa Sadhana is far more advanced than any modern anti-ageing technique, the underlying principles of controlling breath and energy to influence biological processes are beginning to find support in the scientific community.

Challenging the Fear of Death: Nigam Tantra’s Alternative View

One of the most profound aspects of Swakayakalapa Sadhana is its ability to dissolve the fear of death. In modern society, death is seen as the ultimate end, a point of no return that must be feared and avoided at all costs. This fear drives much of our behaviour, from the way we live our lives to the way we approach health and wellness. The ticking clock of time looms over us, creating anxiety and a sense of urgency that permeates every aspect of existence.

However, Nigam Tantra offers an alternative view. Death, in this tradition, is not the enemy; it is simply a transition from one state of being to another. Through practices like Swakayakalapa Sadhana, death is no longer something to be feared, as the practitioner learns to control their own life force and stabilize themselves at a certain point in time. In this sense, the fear of death dissolves, replaced by a deep understanding of the cycles of existence.

When we dissolve the fear of death, we transcend the very force that binds us to the ageing process. In Tantra, life is a conscious choice, not a countdown.

Swakayakalapa Sadhana in Today’s World: Relevance and Application

In today’s fast-paced, materialistic world, the teachings of Nigam Tantra and the practice of Swakayakalapa Sadhana may seem out of place. However, the principles behind this ancient practice are more relevant than ever. The fear of ageing and death is pervasive in modern society, driving the demand for anti-ageing products, cosmetic surgeries, and technological interventions that promise to extend life. But these solutions only address the surface of the problem, failing to get to the root of ageing and death.

Swakayakalapa Sadhana, by contrast, offers a holistic approach to life extension, one that addresses the mind, body, and spirit. It is a reminder that true mastery over time and ageing comes not from external interventions but from internal transformation. By learning to control our breath, energy, and consciousness, we can reshape our experience of time, dissolve the fear of death, and live in a state of ageless vitality.

Transcending Time and Death through Nigam Tantra

The popular notion that time is tickling and bringing us closer to death is a deeply ingrained belief that shapes the way we approach life. However, Nigam Tantra, and specifically the practice of Swakayakalapa Sadhana, challenges this idea, offering a profound alternative. Through the mastery of breath, energy, and consciousness, it is possible to fix oneself at a certain age, effectively bypassing the ageing process and transcending the fear of death.

While Swakayakalapa Sadhana is an advanced practice that requires years of dedication, its principles offer valuable insights for anyone seeking to overcome the limitations of time and embrace a more expansive view of life. In a world that is obsessed with the fear of ageing and death, the teachings of Nigam Tantra provide a timeless reminder that life is not governed by the ticking of the clock, but by the depth of our inner transformation.


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