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When the activity is impregnated with a feeling of passion, it liberates you - Avdhut

Article | January 20, 2008

In the vast and intricate tapestry of human existence, the concept of action is central to our understanding of life and spiritual growth. Every moment of our lives is marked by action—whether it is physical, mental, emotional, or even spiritual. However, the outcomes of these actions vary greatly, depending on the consciousness with which they are performed. This article delves into the profound idea that "when an activity is impregnated with a feeling of passion, it liberates you. But when it is just an activity, it creates entanglement." We will explore the philosophical underpinnings of this statement, examine its relevance in various spiritual traditions, and provide practical insights on how to imbue our actions with passion to achieve liberation.

Understanding Passion and Activity

The Essence of Passion

Passion is often misunderstood as a mere emotional outburst or intense feeling. However, in the spiritual context, passion is much more than that. It is the deep-seated drive, the inner fire that propels us to engage with life fully and consciously. Passion is the force that connects us to our true purpose and aligns our actions with our innermost desires and intentions. It is this passion that, when infused into our activities, transforms them from mundane tasks into acts of creation, expression, and liberation.

The Nature of Activity

Activity, on the other hand, refers to the actions we perform in our day-to-day lives. These actions can range from the simplest physical tasks to complex mental processes. However, not all activities are equal. When activities are performed without conscious awareness or passion, they become mechanical and routine. Such activities often lead to a sense of boredom, dissatisfaction, and eventually, entanglement. This entanglement arises from the accumulation of actions performed without purpose, leading to a cycle of karma that binds us to the material world.

The Spiritual Dichotomy: Liberation vs. Entanglement

The Role of Consciousness

The key difference between an activity that liberates and one that entangles lies in the level of consciousness with which it is performed. When we engage in an activity with full awareness and passion, we are fully present in the moment. Our actions become a reflection of our true selves, and we align ourselves with the flow of the universe. This alignment leads to a state of liberation, where we transcend the limitations of the ego and connect with the divine.

On the other hand, when we perform activities mindlessly, without passion or awareness, we become disconnected from our true selves. These actions are often driven by external factors such as societal expectations, fears, or desires, rather than by our inner purpose. As a result, we accumulate karma, which binds us to the cycle of birth and rebirth, leading to entanglement.

The Liberation of Passionate Activity

When passion is the driving force behind our actions, we experience a profound sense of fulfilment and joy. This joy arises not from the outcome of the activity but from the act itself. In such moments, we become one with the action, and the boundaries between the doer, the deed, and the object of the action dissolve. This state of unity is often referred to as "flow" in modern psychology, but it has been recognized in spiritual traditions for millennia as a state of liberation.

In this state of passionate engagement, our actions are no longer bound by the ego or the desires of the mind. Instead, they become expressions of our true selves, aligned with the divine will. This alignment leads to liberation from the cycle of karma, as our actions are no longer driven by attachment or desire but by a higher purpose.

Passionate Activity in Various Spiritual Traditions

The Path of Karma Yoga

In Hinduism, the concept of Karma Yoga emphasizes the importance of performing one's duties with passion and devotion, without attachment to the results. This is beautifully illustrated in the Bhagavad Gita, where Lord Krishna advises Arjuna to perform his duties as a warrior with full dedication and passion, without worrying about the outcome. According to Krishna, when actions are performed with this mindset, they lead to liberation rather than entanglement.

Karma Yoga teaches that it is not the action itself that binds us but the attachment to the results of the action. When we perform our duties with passion and without attachment, we free ourselves from the cycle of karma and move towards liberation.

Buddhism: The Middle Way

In Buddhism, the Middle Way emphasizes a balanced approach to life, avoiding both extreme indulgence and extreme asceticism. This balance is achieved through mindful and passionate engagement with life. When we approach our activities with mindfulness and passion, we remain fully present in the moment, avoiding the traps of desire and aversion. This mindful engagement leads to the cessation of suffering and the attainment of Nirvana.

The Buddha taught that the key to liberation lies in right action, which is one of the Noble Eightfold Path's components. Right action involves performing activities with a clear and conscious mind, free from the defilements of greed, hatred, and delusion. When our actions are guided by mindfulness and passion, they lead to liberation rather than entanglement.

Sufism: The Path of Divine Love

In Sufism, the path of divine love emphasizes the importance of engaging in activities with a heart full of love and passion for the Divine. Sufis believe that every action, no matter how mundane, can become an act of worship if performed with love and devotion. When our actions are infused with divine love, they become a means of connecting with the Beloved (God) and achieving spiritual union.

This passionate engagement with life leads to liberation, as the Sufi transcends the ego and becomes one with the Divine. The Sufi poet Rumi beautifully expresses this idea in his poetry, where he describes how the fire of divine love burns away the ego and leads to union with the Beloved.

Taoism: Wu Wei and Spontaneous Action

In Taoism, the concept of Wu Wei (effortless action) emphasizes the importance of aligning oneself with the natural flow of the universe. When we act in harmony with the Tao (the Way), our actions become spontaneous and effortless, guided by the natural rhythms of life. This state of effortless action is achieved through passionate engagement with life, where we surrender to the flow of the universe and allow our actions to arise naturally.

When our actions are guided by the Tao, they lead to liberation, as we transcend the limitations of the ego and become one with the flow of the universe. In this state, our actions are no longer driven by desire or fear but by a deep sense of harmony and balance.

The Science of Passionate Activity: Flow and Liberation

The Psychology of Flow

Modern psychology has recognized the state of passionate engagement as a state of "flow," a term coined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Flow is a state of complete immersion in an activity, where the individual loses all sense of time and self, becoming one with the task at hand. This state is characterized by intense focus, creativity, and joy, and it often leads to peak performance.

Flow is achieved when there is a perfect balance between the challenge of the task and the individual's skill level. When the task is too easy, it leads to boredom; when it is too difficult, it leads to anxiety. However, when the task is perfectly matched to the individual's abilities, it creates a state of flow, where the individual is fully engaged and passionate about the activity.

The Neurological Basis of Liberation

Neuroscience has also begun to explore the effects of passionate engagement on the brain. Studies have shown that when individuals are in a state of flow, their brain activity changes, leading to a decrease in activity in the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for self-consciousness and the sense of time. This decrease in prefrontal cortex activity allows individuals to transcend the limitations of the ego and become fully immersed in the present moment.

This state of flow is associated with increased levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is linked to feelings of pleasure and reward. When we engage in activities that we are passionate about, our brain releases dopamine, creating a sense of joy and fulfilment. This joy is not dependent on the outcome of the activity but arises from the act itself.

In this state of passionate engagement, our actions become liberating, as they allow us to transcend the limitations of the ego and connect with a higher state of consciousness.

Practical Steps to Cultivate Passionate Engagement in Activities

1. Identify Your True Passions

The first step to infusing your activities with passion is to identify what truly excites and inspires you. Take time to reflect on the activities that bring you joy and fulfilment, and seek to incorporate them into your daily life. When you engage in activities that align with your passions, you are more likely to experience a state of flow and liberation.

2. Cultivate Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment, without judgment or attachment. By cultivating mindfulness, you can bring greater awareness to your actions, allowing you to engage with them more passionately. Mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing, and mindful movement can help you develop this awareness.

3. Set Clear Intentions

Before engaging in any activity, take a moment to set a clear intention. Ask yourself why you are performing this action and what you hope to achieve. By setting a clear intention, you can infuse your actions with purpose and passion, transforming them from routine tasks into meaningful expressions of your true self.

4. Embrace Challenges

One of the key components of passionate engagement is the willingness to embrace challenges. When you encounter obstacles or difficulties, view them as opportunities for growth and learning. By approaching challenges with a positive and passionate mindset, you can transform them into opportunities for liberation.

5. Practice Detachment from Outcomes

While it is important to set goals and intentions, it is equally important to detach from the outcome of your actions. When you become too attached to the results, you risk losing the joy of the activity itself. Practice performing your actions with full passion and dedication but without attachment to the outcome. This detachment will allow you to experience the liberation that comes from passionate engagement.

Real-Life Examples of Passionate Engagement Leading to Liberation

1. Matsyendranath: The Origin of Hatha Yoga

Matsyendranath, regarded as one of the founders of the Nath tradition, exemplifies the power of passionate engagement in spiritual practice. His devotion to yoga and deep understanding of Tantra led to the creation of Hatha Yoga, a practice that balances the energies within the body to attain liberation. Matsyendranath's passion for exploring the depths of human consciousness and transcending the limitations of the physical body led him to profound spiritual realizations. His teachings have guided countless practitioners toward liberation, demonstrating that passionate engagement in spiritual practices can lead to profound inner freedom.

2. Gorakhnath: The Master of Siddha Yoga

Gorakhnath, the most famous disciple of Matsyendranath, is revered for his passionate dedication to the path of Siddha Yoga. Through intense tapasya (austerities) and unwavering commitment to his spiritual practices, Gorakhnath attained mastery over his body and mind. His teachings emphasized the importance of inner transformation through disciplined practice and self-realization. Gorakhnath's passionate engagement with the spiritual path not only led to his liberation but also laid the foundation for the Nath tradition, inspiring generations of yogis to pursue their own spiritual liberation with the same fervour and dedication.

3. Rishi Bharadwaj: The Sage of Knowledge and Wisdom

Rishi Bharadwaj, one of the ancient sages mentioned in the Vedas, is known for his deep commitment to acquiring and sharing knowledge. His passion for learning and teaching the Vedic sciences, including Ayurveda and Dhanurveda (the science of warfare), was driven by a desire to uplift humanity. Rishi Bharadwaj's dedication to his dharma (righteous duty) and his tireless efforts to disseminate knowledge made him one of the most respected sages in Indian history. His passionate engagement with his life's work led to his spiritual liberation, as he transcended the limitations of the material world and achieved unity with the divine.

4. Charpatinath: The Yogi of Compassion

Charpatinath, a Nath Siddha known for his deep compassion and wisdom, exemplified the integration of spiritual practice with compassionate action. His passionate engagement with the welfare of others, combined with his advanced yogic practices, led him to a state of liberation where he could transcend his ego and serve others selflessly. Charpatinath's life demonstrates that passionate engagement in service, when rooted in spiritual wisdom, can lead to liberation by dissolving the boundaries of the self and connecting with the universal consciousness.

In Modern era

Jamshedji Tata: The Visionary Industrialist

Jamshedji Tata, the founder of the Tata Group, is one of India's most revered industrialists. His life exemplifies how passionate engagement in a visionary mission can lead to not only personal liberation but also the transformation of an entire nation.

1. A Vision for National Development

Jamshedji Tata's passion was not merely for personal wealth or success but for the economic and social upliftment of India. At a time when India was under British colonial rule, Jamshedji envisioned an industrialized and self-sufficient India. He believed that the development of industries such as steel, textiles, and energy was crucial for the nation's progress. His passionate commitment to this vision led him to establish the Tata Group, which would later become one of India's most significant industrial conglomerates.

2. The Creation of Tata Steel: A Legacy of Passion

One of Jamshedji Tata's most remarkable achievements was the founding of Tata Steel, India's first steel plant, in Jamshedpur. Despite facing numerous challenges, including opposition from the British government, Jamshedji's unwavering passion for his dream pushed him to pursue the project. He travelled extensively, studying steel plants in Europe and America, and invested his wealth into making his vision a reality. Although he did not live to see the completion of Tata Steel, his passionate engagement laid the foundation for what would become a symbol of India's industrial might and self-reliance.

3. Education and Research: Empowering Future Generations

Jamshedji Tata's passion for the development of India extended beyond industrialization to education and research. He believed that a nation's progress depended on the empowerment of its people through education. To this end, he envisioned and founded the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bangalore, which has since become one of India's premier research institutions. His passionate commitment to advancing science and technology in India has had a lasting impact, fostering innovation and intellectual growth in the country.

4. Philanthropy: A Passion for Social Good

Jamshedji Tata's life was not just about business; he was equally passionate about social responsibility and philanthropy. He believed that the wealth generated by his businesses should be used for the greater good of society. This passion for social welfare led him to establish several charitable trusts, which continue to support education, healthcare, and community development initiatives in India. His legacy of philanthropy has inspired generations of entrepreneurs to view business not just as a means of personal gain but as a tool for social change.

5. Liberation Through Purposeful Engagement

Jamshedji Tata's passionate engagement in his work was driven by a deep sense of purpose and commitment to the welfare of his country. This sense of purpose gave him the strength to overcome the obstacles he faced and to remain dedicated to his vision even in the face of adversity. His life demonstrates that when one's actions are infused with passion and aligned with a higher purpose, they become a source of liberation. Jamshedji Tata found liberation in his work, not just as a successful industrialist but as a visionary who contributed to the upliftment of an entire nation.

Rabindranath Tagore: The Universal Poet and Philosopher

Rabindranath Tagore, the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, is an iconic figure whose passionate engagement with art, culture, and spirituality led to a profound sense of liberation, both for himself and for those who were touched by his work. His life and works exemplify how passionate dedication to creativity and the pursuit of higher ideals can lead to a deep and lasting liberation.

1. Passion for Literature and Poetry

Tagore’s passion for literature was evident from an early age. Born into a culturally rich family, he was exposed to a wide range of literary and artistic traditions. This early exposure fueled his passion for writing, and by the time he was a young man, he had already written extensively in various genres, including poetry, short stories, plays, and essays. Tagore's passionate engagement with literature was not merely an intellectual pursuit but a means of exploring the depths of human emotion and the mysteries of existence.

His poetry, in particular, reflects a deep sense of liberation, as he sought to transcend the boundaries of time, space, and cultural identity. Through his verses, Tagore expressed a universal spirituality, capturing the essence of human experience and the divine. His passionate devotion to his craft allowed him to achieve a state of creative liberation, where he could communicate the profound truths of life through the beauty of words.

2. Shantiniketan: A Passionate Vision for Education

Tagore's passion extended beyond literature to the realm of education. He was deeply concerned about the rigid and oppressive nature of the traditional education system in India, which he believed stifled creativity and the natural growth of the individual. To counter this, he established Shantiniketan, an experimental school in West Bengal that later became Visva-Bharati University.

Shantiniketan was founded on the principles of holistic education, which emphasized the development of the whole person—intellectually, artistically, and spiritually. Tagore's passionate engagement with education was driven by his belief in the need for a learning environment that fostered creativity, freedom, and a connection with nature. His vision for Shantiniketan was not just to educate but to liberate young minds from the confines of traditional learning, allowing them to explore their full potential. Through this passionate endeavour, Tagore sought to create a generation of liberated individuals who could contribute to the betterment of society.

3. Music and Art: Passion as a Path to Liberation

Tagore’s passion for music and art was another avenue through which he sought liberation. He composed thousands of songs, known as Rabindra Sangeet, which blended classical Indian music with folk traditions and his poetic lyrics. These songs are not just musical compositions but spiritual expressions that convey deep emotions, philosophical insights, and a profound connection with the divine.

Through his music, Tagore found a path to inner liberation, where the boundaries between the self and the universe dissolved in the flow of melody and rhythm. His passionate engagement with music allowed him to transcend the material world and experience a sense of unity with the cosmos. For Tagore, art and music were not just creative outlets but vehicles for achieving a higher state of consciousness and liberation.

4. Social and Political Engagement: Passionate Commitment to Freedom

Tagore's passionate engagement with social and political issues also played a significant role in his journey toward liberation. He was a vocal critic of British colonial rule in India and used his literary and artistic talents to inspire a sense of national pride and identity among the Indian people. However, his vision of freedom was not limited to political independence; he believed in the liberation of the human spirit from all forms of oppression, whether social, cultural, or religious.

Tagore’s passionate commitment to freedom is perhaps best exemplified in his novel Gora and his famous song "Jana Gana Mana," which later became India’s national anthem. These works reflect his deep concern for the unity and diversity of India, as well as his belief in the universal brotherhood of humanity. Through his passionate engagement with these issues, Tagore sought to awaken the consciousness of his fellow citizens and inspire them to strive for both inner and outer liberation.

5. The Nobel Prize and Global Recognition: A Symbol of Passionate Achievement

In 1913, Rabindranath Tagore became the first non-European to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his collection of poems, Gitanjali. This recognition was not just a personal achievement but a validation of his passionate engagement with art and literature. Gitanjali, a collection of devotional songs, is a profound exploration of the human soul's longing for union with the divine. The passionate intensity of these poems resonated with readers around the world, leading to global recognition of Tagore’s genius.

The Nobel Prize symbolized Tagore's liberation from the confines of cultural and national boundaries, as his work transcended these limitations to reach a universal audience. It was a testament to the power of passionate engagement in achieving not only personal liberation but also the ability to touch the lives of others across the world.

Steve Jobs: The Visionary Innovator

Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Inc., is often celebrated as one of the most influential innovators of the 20th and 21st centuries. His life is a remarkable example of how passionate engagement with one's work, driven by an unyielding vision and a deep sense of purpose, can lead to not only personal liberation but also a profound impact on the world.

1. The Birth of Apple: Passionate Innovation

Steve Jobs' journey with Apple began in the garage of his parents' home, where he and his friend Steve Wozniak founded the company in 1976. Jobs was deeply passionate about the idea of making technology accessible and intuitive for the average person. This passion fueled his relentless pursuit of innovation, leading to the creation of the Apple I and II, which revolutionized the personal computer industry.

Jobs' engagement with his work was not just about building products; it was about transforming how people interacted with technology. His vision was to create devices that were not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. This passion for design and user experience became a hallmark of Apple products and set the company apart from its competitors. Jobs' passionate commitment to his vision liberated him from the constraints of conventional thinking and allowed him to pioneer a new era of personal computing.

2. The Return to Apple: A Passionate Comeback

After being ousted from Apple in 1985, Jobs faced a difficult period in his life. However, his passion for innovation and his belief in his vision never wavered. During this time, he founded NeXT, a company focused on creating advanced workstations for higher education and business markets. While NeXT was not a commercial success, the technology developed there laid the groundwork for future Apple products.

In 1997, Jobs made a triumphant return to Apple, which was then struggling to stay afloat. His passionate leadership and innovative vision quickly turned the company around. He introduced iconic products like the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad, each of which redefined its respective market. Jobs' passionate engagement with his work led to Apple's resurgence as one of the most valuable companies in the world. His return to Apple was not just a comeback; it was a testament to how passion can lead to redemption and liberation from past failures.

3. The Creation of the iPhone: Passionate Disruption

One of Steve Jobs' most significant contributions to the world of technology was the creation of the iPhone. Launched in 2007, the iPhone was not just another smartphone; it was a revolutionary product that changed the way people communicate, work, and live. Jobs was deeply passionate about the idea of integrating a phone, an iPod, and an internet communicator into a single device. His vision was to create a product that was both powerful and easy to use, with a seamless design that appealed to the senses.

Jobs' passionate engagement in the development of the iPhone led to the creation of a product that disrupted entire industries, from telecommunications to entertainment. The iPhone became a cultural phenomenon and set new standards for mobile technology. For Jobs, the iPhone was more than just a product; it was the culmination of his vision to put the power of technology into the hands of individuals, liberating them to connect, create, and explore in ways that were previously unimaginable.

4. Passion for Design: The Intersection of Technology and Art

Steve Jobs was famously passionate about design. He believed that technology should not only function well but also look and feel beautiful. This passion for design led him to collaborate with some of the most talented designers in the world, including Jonathan Ive, who played a crucial role in shaping the aesthetics of Apple products.

Jobs' insistence on the importance of design extended to every aspect of Apple's products, from the sleek lines of the iMac to the minimalist packaging of the iPhone. He was deeply engaged in the design process, often pushing his team to go beyond what they thought was possible. This passion for perfection in design was not just about creating beautiful products; it was about elevating the user experience to an art form. Through his passionate engagement with design, Jobs achieved a sense of liberation, where technology and art merged to create something truly extraordinary.

5. Legacy of Innovation: Passionate Impact on the World

Steve Jobs' passionate engagement with his work left an indelible mark on the world. His innovations have transformed entire industries, from personal computing to mobile technology, music, and entertainment. But perhaps more importantly, Jobs inspired a generation of entrepreneurs, designers, and innovators to pursue their passions and think differently.

Jobs' life is a testament to the power of passionate engagement in achieving liberation from the ordinary. He liberated himself from the constraints of conventional thinking, the failures of his past, and the limitations of existing technology. Through his passionate pursuit of innovation, he not only liberated himself but also empowered millions of people around the world to think creatively, embrace technology, and pursue their visions with passion and purpose.

The Pitfalls of Passionless Activity: Stories of Entanglement

1. The Corporate Grind: Losing Purpose

In the modern world, many individuals find themselves caught in the corporate grind, performing tasks that have little meaning or purpose for them. This passionless engagement often leads to a sense of entanglement, where individuals feel trapped in their jobs, disconnected from their true selves. The accumulation of such passionless activities can lead to burnout, dissatisfaction, and a sense of meaninglessness.

2. The Pursuit of Wealth: Materialism and Attachment

The pursuit of wealth and material success, when driven by ego and desire rather than passion, can lead to entanglement. Individuals who focus solely on accumulating wealth without finding passion in their work often find themselves trapped in a cycle of greed and attachment. This entanglement can lead to a loss of inner peace and spiritual fulfillment, as the individual becomes consumed by the pursuit of external success.

3. The Routine of Daily Life: Losing the Spark

For many, the routine of daily life can become a source of entanglement. When activities such as work, chores, and responsibilities are performed mindlessly, without passion or purpose, they can lead to a sense of monotony and stagnation. This entanglement arises from the accumulation of actions performed without conscious awareness, leading to a disconnection from one's true self.

Conclusion: The Path to Liberation through Passionate Engagement

The key to liberation lies in our ability to engage with life passionately and consciously. When we infuse our activities with passion, we align ourselves with our true purpose and the flow of the universe. This alignment leads to a state of liberation, where we transcend the limitations of the ego and connect with the divine.

On the other hand, when we perform activities mindlessly, without passion or awareness, we become entangled in the material world, accumulating karma and losing our connection to our true selves. The choice between liberation and entanglement lies in our hands, and it begins with the conscious decision to live a life of passion and purpose.

By embracing our passions, cultivating mindfulness, and setting clear intentions, we can transform our actions into powerful expressions of our true selves. In doing so, we can break free from the cycle of karma and move towards a state of liberation, where every moment of our lives becomes a reflection of our highest potential.

In the end, it is not the actions themselves that determine our destiny but the consciousness with which we perform them. When our actions are impregnated with passion, they become a source of liberation, allowing us to transcend the limitations of the material world and connect with the divine essence within us.


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