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Why Success Is More About Cosmic Choice Than Hard Work

Article | February 15, 2001

Success is often attributed to hard work, discipline, and the ability to make the right choices at crucial moments. While there is no denying that these elements play a role in achieving personal or professional goals, there is another dimension to success that often goes unrecognized. Success, for many, seems to be orchestrated by an unseen force as if they have been chosen by a higher power or the universe itself to rise to prominence.

This idea—that success is not merely a result of effort or decision-making, but rather a manifestation of a deeper cosmic intention or universal desire—is both philosophical and spiritual. It suggests that success is, in part, a matter of destiny, of being in harmony with the larger forces that guide human life. While hard work and good decisions are essential, success may also depend on something beyond the individual’s control—a divine, universal alignment that selects certain people to fulfil a particular role or purpose in the grand design of life.

In this article, we will explore the idea that people are successful not necessarily because of their effort or decisions, but because they have been chosen by a universal desire to succeed. This concept will be examined through spiritual, philosophical, and even psychological perspectives, illustrating how success may not always be about individual merit alone but about something much larger and more profound.

Chapter 1: The Limitations of Hard Work

A Societal Myth of Hard Work Equals Success

In societies around the world, the narrative of hard work as the key to success is pervasive. From a young age, people are often taught that if they work diligently, remain disciplined, and stay focused, they will achieve their dreams. This message is reinforced through inspirational stories of self-made billionaires, star athletes, and successful entrepreneurs who supposedly reached the pinnacle of their careers through sheer hard work.

However, while hard work is undeniably important, it is not always the defining factor in success. There are countless examples of individuals who toil endlessly without ever reaching the heights of success. Conversely, some seem to rise to prominence effortlessly, their success seemingly predetermined.

Hard Work Does Not Guarantee Success

Hard work is often seen as a universal law: work hard, and success will follow. Yet, in reality, this isn’t always the case. Millions of people work hard their entire lives, never achieving the success they aim for. They sacrifice time, energy, and personal happiness, yet success remains elusive. This raises an essential question: if hard work alone determined success, wouldn’t everyone who worked hard be successful?

Instead, what we see is that success often depends on other factors—timing, luck, opportunity, and perhaps something even more esoteric. Many who achieve success seem to be in the right place at the right time or possess certain qualities that resonate with the larger forces of the universe.

The Illusion of Meritocracy

Modern societies tend to promote the idea of meritocracy—the belief that individuals succeed based on their talent, effort, and abilities. However, this idea overlooks the complex, often invisible forces that contribute to success. For instance, two individuals may work equally hard, yet one may achieve massive success while the other struggles. This disparity reveals that success is influenced by factors beyond personal effort, and in some cases, it may be guided by forces beyond our comprehension.

Chapter 2: The Power of Universal Desire

The Concept of Universal Desire

The idea of a “Universal Desire” suggests that there is a cosmic force or energy that orchestrates certain events and outcomes in life. According to this concept, success is not always something that an individual achieves solely through effort, but rather something they are chosen for. This cosmic force may be understood as the flow of life, a spiritual intention, or a divine plan in which individuals play their part.

The Universal Desire can be seen as a guiding energy, selecting certain people for specific roles in the grand scheme of existence. When someone is chosen by this force, they find themselves aligned with opportunities, resources, and circumstances that lead them to success. Their actions, though important, are part of a larger cosmic movement that propels them toward their destiny.

Success as Cosmic Alignment

From this perspective, success occurs when an individual aligns themselves with the flow of the universe. It is less about striving or forcing one’s way to the top and more about being in harmony with a larger, universal purpose. In this sense, success is not something that can be entirely controlled by the individual. Rather, it is something that unfolds when the individual is in sync with the universe’s plan.

This alignment can manifest in various ways—through serendipitous meetings, unexpected opportunities, or seemingly effortless success. Those who are chosen by the Universal Desire seem to move through life with a sense of ease as if the universe is conspiring to help them achieve their goals. Their journey toward success feels less like a struggle and more like a natural progression toward something they were meant to do.

Success Stories: Chosen by the Universe

Many successful individuals, when reflecting on their achievements, speak of a sense of being "guided" or "called" to their work. They describe moments of clarity, intuition, or sudden opportunities that propelled them forward. These experiences often feel as though something larger than themselves was at play, orchestrating their path to success.

Take for example the journey of Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple. Jobs himself acknowledged that much of his success came from following his intuition and being in tune with the larger flow of life. He often spoke of trusting the process and allowing life to unfold as it was meant to. While Jobs was undeniably hardworking and visionary, there was also a sense that his success was part of a larger cosmic design. He was chosen to bring about a revolution in technology, and the universe provided him with the tools and opportunities to do so.

Chapter 3: Spiritual Perspectives on Success

Aligning with the Universal Desire Through Nigam Tantra

Success is a concept that transcends mere achievement or material gain. From a spiritual perspective, true success is about aligning oneself with a deeper purpose and tapping into the Universal Desire—an innate force that guides us toward our highest potential. One profound path to achieve this alignment is through Nigam Tantra, a spiritual tradition that offers insights into the nature of reality, consciousness, and the interconnectedness of all beings.

Understanding the Universal Desire

The Universal Desire represents the collective yearning of existence for growth, evolution, and fulfilment. It transcends individual ambitions and desires, guiding each of us toward a path that contributes to the greater tapestry of life. Aligning with this desire requires introspection, awareness, and a commitment to exploring the depths of our own consciousness.

The Essence of Nigam Tantra

Nigam Tantra is an ancient spiritual system that emphasizes inner exploration and self-realization. It teaches that the key to unlocking the mysteries of existence lies within. Unlike more superficial approaches to spirituality that may focus on external manifestations, Nigam Tantra directs practitioners inward, urging them to uncover their true selves.

This tradition holds that every individual possesses a unique purpose and role in the universe. By engaging with the teachings of Nigam Tantra, one can begin to understand their place within the grand design, thus aligning with the Universal Desire.

Practices for Alignment

  1. Meditation and Mindfulness: Central to Nigam Tantra is the practice of meditation, which fosters a deep connection to the inner self. Through regular meditation, individuals can quiet their minds, gain clarity, and cultivate awareness of their thoughts and feelings. This heightened awareness opens the door to recognizing the whispers of the Universal Desire.

  2. Self-Inquiry: Nigam Tantra encourages self-inquiry—asking profound questions about one’s purpose, desires, and motivations. By delving into the depths of the self, practitioners can distinguish between superficial wants and the deeper call of the Universal Desire. This process helps clarify what truly resonates with their essence.

  3. Rituals and Sacred Practices: Engaging in rituals and sacred practices can also aid in aligning with the Universal Desire. These practices serve as a bridge between the material and spiritual realms, creating a sacred space for connection and reflection. They remind practitioners of their interconnectedness with the universe and the significance of their unique contributions.

  4. Compassion and Service: A key aspect of aligning with the Universal Desire is recognizing the importance of compassion and service to others. Nigam Tantra teaches that true fulfilment comes not only from personal success but also from contributing to the well-being of others. By serving and uplifting those around us, we align ourselves with the greater flow of life.

The Journey Inward

Aligning with the Universal Desire through Nigam Tantra is ultimately a journey inward. It requires courage to confront the layers of conditioning, beliefs, and desires that cloud our true essence. This path is not always easy, but it is profoundly rewarding. As individuals peel away these layers, they begin to uncover their authentic selves, revealing the unique gifts they are meant to share with the world.

Conclusion: Embracing a Holistic Approach to Success

In a world that often equates success with external achievements, the spiritual perspective offered by Nigam Tantra provides a refreshing and transformative approach. By aligning with the Universal Desire through inner exploration, meditation, and compassionate action, individuals can discover a deeper sense of fulfilment and purpose. Nigam Tantra guides how an achiever gets 'actionless action' in his/her growth and success.

True success is not about accumulating accolades or wealth; it is about living in harmony with the universe and contributing to the collective evolution of consciousness. Through the teachings of Nigam Tantra, we can navigate this path with clarity and grace, embracing our role in the grand design of life.

The Taoist Concept of Wu Wei

In Taoism, the principle of Wu Wei—often translated as "effortless action" or "non-doing"—teaches that the most effective way to achieve success is by aligning oneself with the natural flow of the universe. Rather than forcing outcomes or struggling against the current, Wu Wei encourages individuals to move with the flow of life, trusting that the universe will guide them to where they need to be.

From a Taoist perspective, success is not about hard work or making the right choices; it is about being in harmony with the Tao, or the fundamental essence of the universe. Those who practice Wu Wei can achieve great things because they are not fighting against the natural order of life. Instead, they allow the universe to guide them, and in doing so, they are chosen for success by the Universal Desire.

The Law of Attraction:

A Misleading Concept That Falls Short of Connecting You with Universal Desire

The Law of Attraction has gained immense popularity in recent years, often touted as the key to manifesting dreams and desires through positive thinking and visualization. While the idea that our thoughts can shape our reality is enticing, it can also be misleading. Relying solely on this concept may lead to a disconnection from the deeper, more profound essence of what we might call the "Universal Desire"—the greater cosmic force that truly guides us toward our purpose and fulfilment.

The Simplistic Premise of the Law of Attraction

At its core, the Law of Attraction suggests that like attracts like; if you think positively and focus on what you want, you will attract those very things into your life. This notion places the responsibility for success and happiness solely on the individual’s mindset. While a positive outlook is undeniably beneficial, this perspective oversimplifies the complexities of life and undermines the role of external factors that influence our experiences.

Neglecting the Bigger Picture

Focusing exclusively on personal desires can lead to a self-centred approach to life. The Universal Desire, however, encompasses a broader, interconnected vision. It recognizes that our lives are intricately woven into the fabric of the universe, where our choices and actions resonate beyond our individual experiences. By fixating only on what we want, we may lose sight of the greater purpose and the collective journey we are all part of.

The Illusion of Control

The Law of Attraction fosters the illusion that we have complete control over our outcomes. This belief can be disheartening when things don’t go as planned, leading to feelings of failure or inadequacy. In reality, many factors—timing, opportunity, and the influence of others—play significant roles in shaping our paths. Embracing the Universal Desire encourages a more balanced view: while we can influence our lives, we are also part of a larger cosmic design that is beyond our control.

Connecting with Universal Desire

True fulfilment comes from aligning with the Universal Desire, which transcends individual wants and desires. This alignment requires openness, receptivity, and a willingness to engage with life’s flow. It involves trusting that the universe has a plan for us and that sometimes, what we need is not what we initially thought we wanted.

To connect with this deeper force, it is essential to cultivate awareness and mindfulness, allowing ourselves to be guided by intuition and a sense of purpose. Rather than merely visualizing our desires, we can focus on developing qualities such as compassion, gratitude, and authenticity—qualities that resonate with the essence of Universal Desire.

Conclusion: A Shift in Perspective

While the Law of Attraction offers a tempting framework for personal empowerment, it often falls short of fostering a genuine connection with the Universal Desire. By recognizing the limitations of this concept and embracing a more holistic approach to life, we can find deeper fulfilment and purpose. True success comes not from chasing individual desires but from aligning ourselves with the greater cosmic flow, allowing the universe to guide us toward our true potential.

Chapter 4: Psychological Dimensions of Success

The Role of Subconscious Beliefs

From a psychological standpoint, success may also be influenced by subconscious beliefs and patterns that shape an individual’s actions and perceptions. While hard work and decision-making are important, underlying beliefs about oneself and the world can play a significant role in determining whether or not someone achieves success.

Many psychologists argue that individuals who are deeply connected to their sense of purpose and believe in their ability to succeed are more likely to experience success. These beliefs may be the result of early life experiences, cultural conditioning, or even a deeper, intuitive sense of being "chosen" for success. When someone believes that they are destined for greatness, they are more likely to take the necessary steps and seize the opportunities that lead them to success.

The Power of Intuition

Intuition is another psychological factor that plays a role in success. Successful people often speak of "gut feelings" or flashes of insight that guided them in making pivotal decisions. These intuitive moments are not always the result of conscious thought or analysis; rather, they seem to arise from a deeper connection to the subconscious mind—or perhaps even to the Universal Desire itself.

Psychologically, intuition can be understood as the mind’s ability to synthesize vast amounts of information and experience in a way that feels almost instantaneous. When an individual is attuned to their intuition, they are more likely to make decisions that align with their larger purpose and, by extension, the flow of the universe. This connection to intuition may be one of how the Universal Desire communicates with individuals, guiding them toward success.

Chapter 5: Embracing Success as Cosmic Selection

Trusting the Process

For those who believe in the concept of the Universal Desire, success is not something to be chased or forced. Instead, it is something that unfolds naturally when an individual is in alignment with the universe’s plan. This requires a level of trust in the process of life—trust that the universe knows what is best and will provide the opportunities and resources needed for success.

Trusting the process also means letting go of the need to control every aspect of one’s journey. While effort and decision-making are important, they must be balanced with a willingness to surrender to the larger forces at play. Those who are chosen for success are often those who have learned to flow with life, rather than resisting it.

Living in Harmony with the Universal Desire

To embrace success as a form of cosmic selection, individuals must cultivate a sense of harmony with the universe. This means being open to the signs, synchronicities, and opportunities that the universe presents, and being willing to act on them when the time is right. It also means staying connected to one’s sense of purpose and intuition, trusting that the universe will guide them toward the fulfilment of that purpose.

Living in harmony with the Universal Desire is not about passive waiting but about active participation in the flow of life. It requires mindfulness, awareness, and a deep sense of connection to the larger forces that shape existence. Those who are chosen for success are those who have mastered the art of living in alignment with the universe’s plan.

Conclusion: Success as a Cosmic Dance

Success is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that cannot be reduced to hard work or decision-making alone. While effort and choices are important, they are only part of the equation. True success, as many have experienced, often feels as though it is the result of something larger—a cosmic dance between the individual and the universe.

Those who are successful may have been chosen by the Universal Desire to fulfil a specific role or purpose in the grand scheme of existence. Their success is not simply a matter of personal achievement but a manifestation of their alignment with the flow of life. When individuals align themselves with the Universal Desire, they become part of a greater movement toward success, guided by forces beyond their control yet deeply connected to their sense of purpose and intuition.

Ultimately, success is not just about working hard or doing the right thing; it is about being chosen by the universe, selected by the cosmic will to rise to prominence and fulfil one’s destiny.


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